100 | September 2016
Forget what you think about fat. Itâs time to
reassess your diet â and reap the benefits
tâs tragic how fat has earned such
a bad reputati on in diet circl es.
The trut h is that when it comes
to healthy eating unsaturated fat
reigns supreme â but the prob lem
is that most people still donât
understandthe difference between
saturated and unsaturated fats.
Loading your plate with good
fats can help to supercharge
your health and achieve a better
body and in his new bookEat Fat
Get Thin(£14.99 Yellow Kite)
renowned American health expert
Dr Mark Hyman seeks the trut h
behind some of th e bi ggest fat
misconceptions. âSo many people
- doctors patients and eaters
alike âare all confused about fat
and still hold on to myths and
misinformation but knowing what
to eat and how to use dietary fats
can help you regain your health
and ideal body weightâ he says.
A big fat mess
To find out why fat is so
demonised we have to rewi nd
backto th e 1970s when levels of
obesity and heart conditions
started to rise. In a bidto tackle
the increasing rate of disease
official di etary guidelines were
set which urged an increasein
carb ohydrate intake to 55-60per
cent of to tal daily calories and a
reduced fat intake of 30-35 per
cent. The general message was
that fatmakes us fat and causes
heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
So instead the advice was to eat
more sugars and carb s and cut
backon saturated fatfrom meats
eggs butter an d whole milk. âQuite
simply this turned out to be the
largest uncontrolled experiment
ever carried out on human beings
and it failed miserablyâ says Dr
Hyman. This ideology soonspread
across the glo be and before we
knew it pasta suddenly became a
health food and fat a diet derailer.
Lay down the fat
Dietary fat affects all aspects of
health and wellbeing. âBeing
deficient in healthy fat has an
impact on our emotional and
overall health. It affects our
hormones immunesystem
digestive health skin weight and
ability to deal with stress. Fat
deficiencies can also adversely
affect our mood cognitive health
behaviou r and overall brain