Asian Diver — October 2017

(Michael S) #1
I JOINED A boat to make a fun deco dive
on sidemount at Chumphon Pinnacle –
one of Koh Tao’s best dive sites. On the
boat with me was a group making their
final dive in the TDI Sidemount Course.
The site is perfect for tek training, with a
maximum depth of 32 metres, and lots
to see, including huge schools of ox-eye
scad and barracuda that part as you
swim through them. Deco and safety
stops are also interesting, as the top
of the pinnacle is covered in huge
anemone beds.

By James Emery


By Gerald Nowak

I WENT TO Siberia with a team of
technical divers to test some new
equipment for a well-known brand.
For six days, we were to be diving under
black ice just off Olkhon Island in Lake
Baikal. Siberia is one of the few places

in the world where you can dive in fresh
water under ice up to 10 metres thick.
While we were never more than
12 metres deep, we ventured up to
100 metres from the entry/exit hole
in the metre-thick ice. We found
incredible ice formations, tunnels,
cracks and black ice.
The temperature on land was
a chilly 15 to 30 degrees below zero.
At the entry hole, the water was

a bone-c zero degrees Celsius, but
under the ice, the temperature reached
up to three degrees.
Lake Baikal is known for its shifting,
unpredictable ice, so we needed the
equipment to perform perfectly; at
times, we were making exploratory
dives investigating cracks just two
metres wide, under seven metres
of ice. Thankfully, all the dives went
smoothly and it was a great adventure!
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