Migration from the Middle East and North Africa to Europe Past Developments, Current Status, and Future Potentials (Amsterdam..

(Barry) #1
euro-Mediterranean Migration futures 49

1.4 Recent migration trends

1.4.1 Migrant population data

Figure 1.2 reveals that Morocco and Turkey are dominant source countries
for migrants from the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean to the EU. The
data reveal that France has been the dominant destination for Moroccan
migrants over past decades, while Germany occupies a similar position for
Turkish migrants. What these data also show, however, is that the degree of
diversif ication of migration to Europe is much higher for Moroccans than for
Turks. As we will see, this partly ref lects the new ‘primary’ labour migration
that occurred from Morocco to Spain and Italy, while Turkish emigration
has slowed down and predominantly consists of family migration to Ger-
many and a few other traditional destinations. Egypt shows a very different
picture, with the lion’s share of its unskilled and skilled workers migrating
to the Gulf and Libya, and most elite migrants and students going to North
America and Australia. At least until recently, migration from Egypt to
Europe has remained very limited.

Figure 1.2 Emigrant stocks according to destination



1,00 0,000

1,50 0,000

2,00 0,000

2,50 0,000

3,00 0,000

3,50 0,000

4,00 0,000






Number of emigrants

Americas and other
Other Europe

Sources: Various sending-countr y sources cited in Fargues (2005)

Although the estimated number of Moroccan citizens living abroad (3.1
million) is almost equal to that of Turkey (3.6 million), Table 1.1 shows that
they represent a much higher share of the total population (10.1 per cent)
than is the case for Turkey (4.9 per cent) and Egypt (3.6 per cent). While
8.6 per cent of all Moroccan citizens and 4.2 per cent of all Turkish citizens


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