Migration from the Middle East and North Africa to Europe Past Developments, Current Status, and Future Potentials (Amsterdam..

(Barry) #1

50 Hein de Haas

live in Europe, this is the case for only 0.6 per cent of all Egyptian citizens.
In comparison with other North African countries, Morocco also has the
highest share of its population living abroad.
Tables 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 provide a detailed breakdown of the countries of
residence of Moroccan, Turkish and Egyptian citizens living abroad. They
conf irm that migration from Morocco is more diverse in terms of destina-
tion than Turkish migration. Nevertheless, similar North-Western-European
countries – France, Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium – appear among
the predominant destinations for Turkish and Moroccan emigration. This
largely ref lects the ‘guest worker’ migration of the 1960s and 1970s and the
ensuing chain migration in more recent decades. Turks are relatively numer-
ous in Scandinavia compared to Moroccans. The most striking feature of
Moroccan emigration is the recent f low to Spain and Italy. Spain, in particular,

Table 1.2 Moroccan citizens residing abroad (2004)

Country Country
france 1,113,176 algeria 79,790
netherlands 300,332 Libya 120,000
germany 102,000 tunisia 25,637
Belgium 293,097 saudi arabia 2 7, 8 3 0
spain 423,933 uae 13, 0 4 0
italy 298,949 other arab countries 16,475
uK 35,000 sub-saharan africa 5,366
sweden 10,000
switzerland 11, 5 0 0 us 100,000
russia 8,687 Canada 7 7, 7 13
other european 20,197 other 6,368
tot al 2,616, 871 tot al 472, 219

source: Consular data in fargues (2005: 231–232)

Table 1.1 Citizens abroad as percentage of population

Emigrants Emigrants
in Europe


Emigrants Emigrants
as %

in Europe
Morocco (2004) 3,089,090 2,616,871 30,496,553 10.1 8.6
algeria (2003) 1,072,246 991,796 33,347,948 3.2 3.0
tunisia (2003) 843,204 695,765 10,132,252 8.3 6.9
egypt (2000) 2,736,729 436,000 75,396,909 3.6 0.6
turkey (2002) 3,581,000 3,078,000 72,935,323 4.9 4.2

sources: fargues (2005) and World development indicators; author’s calculations

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