Migration from the Middle East and North Africa to Europe Past Developments, Current Status, and Future Potentials (Amsterdam..

(Barry) #1

euro-Mediterranean Migration futures 51

has evolved into the second country of residence and the main country of des-
tination for Moroccans, while few Turkish migrants have moved to Southern
Europe over recent decades. Recent limited increases in Egyptian migration
to Europe have mainly concentrated on Greece and, particularly, Italy.
These tables draw on off icial statistics from countries of origin, which
tend to include naturalised migrants (those who retain citizenship of their
origin countries and thereby become dual citizens) and the children and
even grandchildren of migrants – who are technically not migrants. There-
fore, estimates of the migrant population of destination countries tend to
be lower. Figure 1.3 shows the signif icant differences between sending and
receiving countries’ estimates, although overall patterns remain the same.
The difference is particularly large for Moroccans and much smaller for
Turks, probably ref lecting the fact that Moroccans had relatively easy access
to citizenship in the main destination countries of France, Belgium and the
Netherlands. In contrast, until the reform of the citizenship law in 2000,
this tended to be diff icult for Turkish migrants in Germany. Another factor
is that relinquishing Moroccan citizenship is very diff icult, if not almost
impossible (de Haas 2007d). The gap is also large for Egyptians, linked,
seemingly, to the serious undercounting of Egyptian and other immigrants
in the Gulf countries and Libya, which generally lack transparent migration
statistics. For all sending countries, the differences also partly ref lect the
fact that consulates abroad often register migrants irrespective of their
residence status, so that these f igures might include a signif icant share of
irregular migrants.

Table 1.3 Turkish citizens residing abroad (2002)

Europe Elsewhere
germany 1,999,000 saudi arabia 100,000
france 326,000 Kuwait 3,000
netherlands 320,000 Libya 2,000
austria 134,000 other arab countries 2,000
Belgium 56,000
united Kingdom 80,000 australia 54,000
sweden 36,000 Canada 40,000
denmark 33,000 united states 220,000
other eu 3,000 Cis 36,000
switzerland 80,000 other 46,000
tot al 3,067,000 tot al 503,000

source: general directorate of services for the Workers abroad, attached to the Ministry of Labour
and social security (2002) in fargues (2005: 359)


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