The Rise and Fall of Meter

(Tina Sui) #1

index 263

“Chapter of Kings” (Collins), 27, 28, 31,
Chapters on English Metre (Mayor), 45, 92
Child’s History of England, A (Dickens),
Chronicles of England (Raymond), 29–30
Civil Service, 210n26
Clarke, George Herbert, 137, 234n76
Classified Catalogue of School, College, Clas-
sical, Technical, and General Education
Wo r k s, 113, 228n14
Coleridge, Henry, 67
Coleridge, Mary, 199, 208n15
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 6, 202
Collins, John, 27, 28, 31, 110, 209n21
Cooper, Elizabeth, 209n12
Coote, Charles, 38–39
Cowper, William, 147–48
Craiglockhart War Hospital: disillusion-
ment in, 157; Owen at, 164, 171–72,
176, 238n38; patients at, 159; therapy at,
146–47, 159–62, 166, 168, 176; writing
at, 166, 171
Crapsey, Adelaide, 199
culture: meter and, 10–14, 48; national, 4,
20, 45, 103, 108, 203, 229n20; poetry in
public culture, 48–49
Culture and Anarchy (M. Arnold), 110

dactylic hexameter, 5, 20–22, 24, 201
dactylic tetrameter, 22
Dante Alighieri, 194
Davis, Thomas, 115, 119, 124, 228–29n18
De Vigny, Alfred, 152–53
Dial (magazine), 49
dialects, 17, 31, 74–75, 194, 226n1
Dibdin, Thomas, 28–29, 32, 209n23,
Dickens, Charles, 227n7
diction, 116–17
Dictionary, The ( Johnson), 8, 211n43
discipline: Arnold on, 117; in education,
108; Enfield on, 17; English grammars
and, 35; of language, 105; mental, 20,
22, 113, 118, 224n53; military, 154, 157;
military drill and, 118; in state-funded
schools, 118; themes of, 117
disciplines: Anglo-Saxon, 97; classics, 80,
98, 203; English, 23, 45–46, 81, 182,
203, 205; history, 23, 210n26; linguistic
science, 182; phonolg y, 8; rhetoric and
elocution, 19

Dixon, Richard Watson, 61, 68, 82
Dobell, Sydney, 6
Dolben, Digby Mackworth, 60
Dowling, Linda, 8, 53
“Drake’s Drum” (Newbolt), 124–26, 142
drills, metrical, 118, 149, 150
drills, military, 118–19, 149, 150, 230n38
drums, 12, 125–30, 139–44
“Dulce et Decorum Est” (Owen), 172–76
Duns Scotus, John, 55, 73

Eaglesham, Eric, 224n53
Eagleton, Terry, 110
Earle, John, 52
“Easter Communion” (Hopkins), 215n14
education: Bridges on, 93–94, 104; classi-
cal education, 12, 20, 104–5; curricular
reform, 7, 133–34, 207n15; discipline
in, 108; education reform, 93–94, 98;
English education, 98, 131, 133–34; in
India, 7; Macaulay on, 7. See also peda-
gog y; schools
Education Act (1870), 112
Education Act (1902), 97, 107, 118, 224n53
Education Acts (nineteenth century), 9
Electric Meters (Rudy), 15
Elements of Elocution (Walker), 17
Elements of English Grammar (Coote),
Elfenbein, Andrew, 27
Eliot, T. S.: Beasley on, 3; dialects and, 194;
free verse experiments, 184; on Kipling,
120; on Pound, 187; The Waste Land,
155, 189, 237n34
elision, 88, 222n26
Ellis, Alexander, 43, 98
elocution, 6, 19, 35, 183
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 45
emphasis, 40, 42
Empire Day, 12, 118, 119, 122, 229–30n32
Empson, William, 215n13
Enfield, William, 16, 17–18
England: grammatical history of, 33–39;
Saxon-centric accounts of history and,
English Association, 98, 123, 136
Englische Metrik (Schipper), 45
English ear, 67–68, 72–73, 99–102, 107,

  1. See also aural perception; hearing
    “English Flag, The” (Kipling ), 120
    English grammar: exercises, 93; Latinization
    of, 36; meter status in study of, 35;

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