The Rise and Fall of Meter

(Tina Sui) #1

264 index

English grammar (continued) metrical feet
abstracted, 41; nineteenth-century inter-
est in, 37; prosody and, 34; standard-
ization of, 34, 36; versification status in
study of, 35
English Grammar (L. Murray), 8, 39–42,
English Hexameter Verse (Omond), 45
English language: concept of, 79; Hopkins
and, 53, 56; Latinization of, 36; stan-
dardization of, 8, 36; in text, 53–54;
Trench on, 46; visual nature of, 53. See
also English grammar
English literature: Arnold on, 113, 116; Col-
lins on, 110; Newbolt on, 135; Skeat on,
97; soldiers and, 148
“English Metres, The” (Meynell), 199–203
“English Metrical Critics” (Patmore), 44, 46,
68, 219n62
English Metrists (Omond), 214n81
Englishness: English meter and, 103, 146;
heroic and patriotic ideologies of, 110–
11; of iambic pentameter, 10; Newbolt
on, 134; Saintsbury and, 97, 99, 100,
108; state-funded schools and, 1, 80
English Past and Present (Trench), 53
English Philological Society, 43, 46
English Poets, The (T. Ward), 116
English Verse Structure (Omond), 45
“English Versification” (Saintsbury), 97
ergophobia, 170
ergo-therapy, 162
Esenwein, Joseph Berg, 136
Essay on English Metrical Law (Patmore), 68,
71, 72, 95, 219n62
“Essay on English Metrical Law” (Patmore),
11, 213n76
Eton College, 226n71
Euripides, 192, 195
Evans, R. W., 131, 232n62

Factory Act (1833), 33
Fairies and Fusiliers (Graves), 153
feet, poetic, 40–42, 91, 95, 96, 199. See also
foot-based system
Felman, Shoshana, 237n34
Female Speaker, The (Aiken), 16
“Few Don’ts, A” (Pound), 181
First Lines of Grammar (G. Brown), 213n74
“Five Wounds, The” (meditation point),

Fletcher, J. G., 235n79
“Floris in Italy” (Hopkins), 216n29
“Flycatchers” (Bridges), 105–7, 185, 192,
foot (human), 136
foot-based system, 80, 99–103. See also feet,
Ford, Ford Madox, 149–50
Forster, William Edward, 112
“Fourth of August, The” (Newbolt), 129–30
Fox, Samuel, 36
free rhythm, 106, 226n76
free verse: Bridges on, 130, 187; Eliot and,
184; Pericles Lewis on, 3; Pound and,
184; rise of, 80; of Whitman, 6
“Free Verse” (Graves), 153–55, 157
Freudian therapy, 146–47, 159
Frost, Robert, 187
Fussell, Paul, 8–9, 17, 18, 36, 147–48
“Future of English Verse, The” (Newbolt),

General Dictionary of the English Language,
A (Sheridan), 214n1
General Inspector’s Report (M. Arnold,
1867), 113
General Inspector’s Report (M. Arnold,
1878), 116
Gentleman’s Magazine, 26, 36, 209n16
Georgian poetry, 145
Georgian Poetry (Marsh), 145
“Gerard Hopkins” (Richards), 50
Gibb, Huck, 197
Glaser, Ben, 199
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 193
Goodbye to All That (Graves), 155
Görlach, Manfred, 113
Gosse, Edmund, 143
grammar: definition, 226n72; English
grammar (see English grammar); Latin
grammar, 97; meter in study of, 35; versi-
fication in study of, 35
grammar books: abstraction of feet in, 41;
classical, 113; elocution and, 35; Eng-
lish, 33–35, 113; Greek, 105; historical
grammars, 35; Latin, 105, 224–25n53,
226n72; metrical discourses in, 34; nine-
teenth-century, 35; prosody in, 34, 35,
37, 113; replacement of, 113; scansion
in, 110; versification in, 34, 35, 39, 40;
Victorian, 19, 34
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