The Rise and Fall of Meter

(Tina Sui) #1

268 index

Minute on Education (Macauley), 7, 110
Mirror for Magistrates, The (Haselwood, ed.),
23, 209n12
mnemonic hexameter, 24
mnemonic jingles, 19
Model Course of Physical Training (Board of
Education), 230n38
Modernism, 3, 123, 143, 145, 181–87
Modern Painters (Ruskin), 216n25
Monro, Harold, 105, 141, 181, 226n74
Montefiore, J. Gompertz, 31
Month (magazine), 61, 67, 217n39
Monthly Review, 131
Morant, Robert Laurie, 224n53
More War Poems ( J. Pope), 136
Morley, Henry, 209n12
“Morning Before Battle, The” (Graves), 155
Muggleston, Lynda, 8
Muirhead, Lionel, 82, 226n71
Müller, Max, 11, 53
Murray, Gilbert, 197
Murray, James Henry, 43
Murray, Lindley: accent and, 38; English
Grammar, 8, 39–42, 212n58; national-
ity of, 45; on pronunciation, 39–40, 101;
Saintsbury on, 212n66; on versification,
42, 183
Murry, John Middleton, 178–79
Muses Library, The (Cooper), 209n12
Museum (magazine), 113, 115
“My Land” (Davis), 115, 228–29n18
“My Native Land” (no author), 114–15
My World as in My Time (Newbolt), 122–
23, 125

National Service League, 118
NED (New English Dictionary), 8, 43, 46,
53, 135, 224n47
neo-Miltonic syllabics, 106, 189
neurasthenic trauma, 146, 158, 161
neuroses, 146, 158, 159, 160
Newbolt, Henry: on accent, 135; on Anglo-
Saxon beat, 131; on blank verse, 130–31,
132; correspondence with Bridges, 131–
33, 232n63, 233n66; cultural metrics of,
122–30; drum figure of, 12; as editor of
Monthly Review, 131; English Associa-
tion and, 98; on English education, 133–
34; English literary study and, 123; on
English literature, 135; on Englishness,
134; jingoism of, 232n60; on linguistic

changes, 233n68; Masterman Group
and, 234n75; patriotic poems and, 112,
123, 134–35, 136; popularity of, 122,
123, 126; propaganda and, 123, 127,
130, 140, 234n75; public school culture
and, 123; rhythm and, 126, 130, 131,
133, 135, 136, 139; stress-based rhythm
of poetry by, 111; Thomas on, 141; war
poems, 137; Wellington House and, 137;
women poets and, 199
Newbolt, Henry, poetry of: “Admirals All,”
124, 128; Admirals All, 123, 124–25;
“Drake’s Drum,” 124–26, 142; “The
Fourth of August,” 129–30; The Is-
land Race, 124–25; “A Letter from
the Front,” 130; Poems, New and Old,
125, 126; St. George’s Day and Other
Poems, 127; “The Song of the Guns at
Sea,” 126–27; “The Toy Band,” 127–29;
“Vitae Lampada,” 118, 124–25, 136,
Newbolt, Henry, writings of: “The Future of
English Verse,” 130–31; My World as in
My Time, 122–23, 125; Tales of the Great
Wa r, 127, 129; The Teaching of English
in England, 7, 123, 133–35, 188–89,
Newcastle Commission (1861), 112
New English Dictionary (NED), 8, 43, 46,
53, 135, 224n47
No More Parades (Ford), 149–50
North British Review, 46
Nutting, Alfred, 2, 207n2

O’Brien, William, 44
“O Deus, ego amo te” (Hopkins), 57–58, 64
“Of Poetical Feet” (Sheridan), 40
Omond, Thomas Stewart, 6, 45, 214n81
“On a Dead Child” (Bridges), 83
“On My Songs” (Owen), 151, 157
“On the Elements of Blank Verse” (Bridges),
“On the Elements of Milton’s Blank Verse”
(Bridges), 87–89
On the Study of Celtic Literature (M. Ar-
nold), 229n20
On the Study of Words (Trench), 46, 53
On the Use of Classical Metres in English
(Stone), 45, 89, 214n79
On Translating Homer (M. Arnold), 229n20
Origines Celticae (Guest), 43
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