The Rise and Fall of Meter

(Tina Sui) #1

index 269

Orthometry, or, The Art of Versification and
the Technicalities of Poetry (Brewer), 150,
Outline of English Speech-Craft, An (Barnes),
73, 74
Outlook Tower, 164
outrance, 162
Over the Brazier (Graves), 153, 157
Owen, Wilfred: blank verse and, 164–65,
178; Elizabeth Barrett Browning and,
198; at Craiglockhart War Hospital, 164,
171–72, 176, 238n38; criticism on, 176–
80; death of, 180; education of, 145, 150;
on English prosody, 177; enlistment and,
151–52; as Hydra editor, 166, 168, 170;
marking time and, 170; medical report
on, 238n38; neurasthenia of, 157, 164;
Outlook Tower report, 164; poetic form
and, 171, 174; return to battle, 171;
rhythmical form of, 163–64; as soldier
poet, 146; state-funded schools and, 145;
on Tennyson, 151; therapy for, 162; war
poetry of, 172; on writing, 151; Yeats on,
176–77, 179
Owen, Wilfred, poetry of: “All Sounds Have
Been as Music,” 171–72; Anteaus poem,
164–65; “Anthem for Doomed Youth,”
172; “Dulce et Decorum Est,” 172–76;
“On My Songs,” 151, 157; Poems, 199;
“The Poet in Pain,” 158; “The Schoolmis-
tress,” 236n13; Selected Poems, 176; “The
Show,” 168; “Strange Meeting,” 178
Oxford Antholog y of English Poetry, 148–49
Oxford Book of Modern Verse (Yeats, ed.), 176
Oxford English Dictionary, 197
Oxford University, 28–29, 45

Palgrave, Francis Turner, 145, 148
Palgrave’s Golden Treasury (Palgrave), 145,
Pall Mall Gazette, 125
Paradise Lost (Milton), 10, 87–90, 93, 94,
pararhyme, 174, 178
Parmenides, 54–55
parrot, 189–93, 195–98
Parry, Ann, 230n33
Patmore, Coventry: on alliteration, 71–72;
on beat, 111; Bridges and, 219–20n64;
correspondence with Hopkins, 52,
68–72, 74, 219–20n64; isochronous

intervals theory of, 212n60; on meter,
69; metrical experiments and, 87,
213n76; women poets and, 199; “The
Wreck of the Deutschland” and, 67
Patmore, Coventry, literary criticism of:
“English Metrical Critics,” 44, 46, 68,
219n62; Essay on English Metrical Law,
68–72, 87, 95, 219n62; “Essay on Eng-
lish Metrical Law”, 11, 213n76; Prefatory
Study on English Metrical Law, 46, 68,
213n75, 219n62
Patmore, Coventry, poetry of: Amelia,
Tamerton Church Tower, 46, 68, 219n62;
The Angel in the House, 69; Poems,
patriotic poems: Empire Day and, 12, 119;
for the masses, 140; Newbolt and, 112,
123, 134–35, 136; popularity of, 126;
soldier poets and, 149; in state-funded
schools, 12, 101, 111, 115
patriotic songs and marches, 119
patriotism, 109–12, 135, 136, 141, 149
pause, 39–40, 42, 183
pedagog y, 109–12, 118. See also education
Percy, Thomas, 36
performance: Hopkins on, 71, 75–76; indi-
vidual, 35; instinct in, 41; in “Of Poetical
Feet,” 40; printed page and, 183; prosody
wars and, 35; vocal, 35, 38, 76
Perkins, David, 80, 81
Peterson, Linda, 199
Petherton, John, 227n7
Phillips, Catherine, 226n71
Philological Society, 43, 224n47
philolog y, 43, 53, 221n79, 226n72
phonetics, 92–93
phonetic spelling, 132
phonetic types, 53
phonolog y, 6, 8, 53
Piers Ploughman (Langland), 74
Pisan Cantos (Pound), 112, 183
Plain System of Elocution, A (Vandenhoff
and Poe), 45
Plotkin, Cary, 53
Poe, Edgar Allan, 45
Poems (Bridges), 83, 87
Poems (Hopkins), 49, 199
Poems (Meynell), 199
Poems (Owen), 199
Poems (Patmore), 219n62
Poems, New and Old (Newbolt), 125, 126
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