
(Greg DeLong) #1

96 asiaSpa India March-April 2016

Bharatanatyam Dancer

Only a lucky few can achieve
 tness & wellness
Wellness belongs to the realm of the
spirit. A fully fit person may experience
a deficit of wellness; just as others, who
may not be that fit, can experience a
surfeit of wellness. The lucky ones can
manage to attain both – fitness and
wellness. That is what I try to achieve!

Fitness is a professional requirement
Even though I dance for a couple
of hours every day, it is not enough
for me to stay fit – I have to stay fit
to dance. So my routine is complex

and could include different kinds of
exercises – walking, stretching, yoga,
meditation, aerobics and gymming. The
key to fitness is never to fall into a rut;
the muscles need to be challenged in
different ways every single day. Fitness
is a professional requirement. Just like
managers need software to enable their
work, I have to master fitness to dance
well. So the excuse of not finding time
does not fly.

Dance is an incredibly harsh mistress
My guru once told me that if a dancer
does not rehearse for a day, her body

will know; if she skips riyaaz for two
days, her accompanying musicians
will know, and if she has skipped
rehearsals for three days, her audience
will know! Dance is an incredibly
harsh mistress, and requires the
fullest commitment. The only mantra
I have ever followed to stick to my
fitness and wellness routine is the
inner smile that I experience when
I confidently introduce myself as
a dancer.

My work is my life, & vice versa
I make sure I follow my fitness
routine, no matter where I am. It is
true that finding space is a challenge
sometimes. In that case, I alter my
routine and do stretches that require
lesser space. But exercise is a daily
must. I don’t see my work and life
as different silos. My work is my life,
just as my life is my work. Dance is
my identity! So, there’s no conflict of
interest there.

It is very important to listen to
your body
An efficient diet plan is to eat
small plates – smaller portions
more frequently and never banish
a certain kind of food. If you ban
something, you crave for it more,
and end up violating all the rules! It
is most important to listen to your
body – if it tells you to give it more
carbohydrates, then you must. Boiled
vegetables and yogurt are fast friends
for a dancer.

If you do positive things, stress will
not affect you
Humour is the best way to destress.
So, I surround myself with happy
people, stay in an environment that
I love and listen to music. If you do
positive things, stress will never be
able to get to you.


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