
(Greg DeLong) #1
asiaSpa India March-April 2016 97

Race-car Driver

Wellness is overall  tness
Wellness is being healthy and feeling
energised, physically as well as
mentally. I associate fitness with
strength, both mental and physical.
If you are strong in the gym or out
running, but you feel low on energy,
it’s a sign of a lack of wellness.

I don’t restrict myself to one sport
My fitness routine is a mix of cardio and
strength training. The good thing is that
I don’t restrict myself to just one sport.
Cycling is probably my favourite cardio
exercise and I try to do about 6,000
kilometres a year, in between all the
travelling I do. When I’m in Chennai,
I like to swim as the weather’s hot, but
when in Europe, I work out using a
rowing machine. Strength training is a
mix of upper and lower body exercises
as well as the core. I got a little bit into
Pilates a few years ago, and think I’m
going to do more of it this year.

Running is a great way to work out &
see new places as well
I make full use of hotel gyms whenever I
am travelling. A 45-minute workout on
the cross trainer or a run outdoors with a
half-hour core session is generally doable
wherever I go. I also enjoy running, but
I dislocated my knee about nine years
ago and haven’t really recovered since
then. The injury limits me to about 10
kilometre per session, but I do enjoy it.
Running is a great way to see places also.
On my runs, I’ve been very lucky to see
the early morning sunrise over
the Pacific in Japan and the evening
sunset in LA. I’ve enjoyed running
in Buenos Aires and Central Park in
New York. My wife and I regularly run
together in Hyde Park in London on
weekends, and it is lovely, especially in
spring and autumn.

A no-greens meal stresses me out
My mother inculcated in me the habit of
including one green vegetable, one root
vegetable and some proteins in every
meal, and I still stick to that. I really
can’t have a meal without some greens –
it stresses me out to no end. I try to take
preemptive measures when I know I am
out for a big meal – I’ll go for a run or a
long bike ride before and earn my calorie

intake. It doesn’t always work though,
and I end up feeling guilty.

I go cycling when I am stressed out
My ideal day off is to wake up around
eight in the morning, go for a ride and
then meet a few friends for brunch.
When I am stressed out, I sit in front of
the TV and or just go cycling.


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