
(Greg DeLong) #1
asiaSpa India March-April 2016 99


Wellness is mind, spirit & body
Fitness is just a part of wellness. It is
not the be all and end all of living right.
Wellness is of the mind, spirit and
body. Exercising can only take care of
physical wellness.

I am addicted to sports
Even though my regular routine is not
defined, I try to make sure I take an
hour, five days a week to exercise. I get
easily bored of the same exercises, so I
keep trying new things. One day, it is
cardio, the next day, strength training
and so on. I am also addicted to sports.

So during summer, I swim for nearly
two hours a day. I also play basketball,
squash and badminton.

I go to the gym when my kids
are at school
During fashion weeks, or if I have too
many shoots, I have to drag myself to
the gym, but I make sure I fit things in.
For instance, I go to the gym when
my kids are at school, and if have had
a busy day, I play basketball at night.
My target is not to lose weight, but to
achieve a state of total fitness; yoga
gives me that.

Models don’t starve themselves
I’m not very particular about food.
It is a myth that models starve
themselves. I love home-cooked food
and generally hate fried food, so I
guess that helps. I eat everything,
but in moderation. And instead of
stuffing myself at one meal, I try to
space it all out. In-between meal
snacks are actually what do you in
if you aren’t careful. A fruit is better
than a pastry any day. I do indulge
myself once in a while – nachos and
samosas are my weakness. I don’t
deny myself indulgences, but I ensure
I burn off those calories so that they
don’t take a toll on my body.

Just hanging on to a  tness routine
is important for beginners
I have noticed that most people
chicken out during the early stages
of exercise. It’s important to hang on
for those first three to four months,
and once the results start to show,
it is motivating for everyone. The
increased body strength, energy levels,
and the good looks, give you a high.

Basketball & badminton games
pep me up
I am used to working for two days
straight without sleep, but the
physical exertion does get to me.
So, if I am really tired, I just chill
with friends and family. Or if I am
generally not feeling too happy, a
game of basketball or badminton is a
great mood lifter.

What you prioritise is what
you become
I prioritise work, but I know I need
to spend time on myself and do
the things I like to do. It could be
difficult, but what you prioritise is
what you become. It is important not
to just work, but live life too.


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