Case Studies in Communication Sciences and Disorders, Second Edition

(Michael S) #1

66 Chapter 3

Tanner, D. (2012). Exploring communication disorders: A 21st century introduction through lit er a ture and media (2nd ed.).
Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
This book has an essay on stuttering and uses references to lit er a ture and media to introduce and explain the com-
munication disorder.
Tanner, D. Relaxation Training CD Program for Stuttering. Ocean side, CA: Academic Communication Associates.
This audio recording provides the person who stutters with a step- by- step relaxation program involving progressive
relaxation, autohypnosis, and meditation.
Tanner,  D., Belliveau,  W., & Siebert,  G. (1995). Pragmatic stuttering intervention for adolescents and adults. Ocean side,
CA: Academic Communication Associates.
This stuttering program addresses the four factors associated with stuttering and emphasizes a variety of commu-
nication functions and acts.

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