Case Studies in Communication Sciences and Disorders, Second Edition

(Michael S) #1

Voice and

Resonance Disorders


Ta n ner, D. C.
Case Studies in Communication Sciences and Disorders,
Second Edition (pp. 67-87).

(^) © 2017 SLACK Incorporated.
I’m exhausted from not talking.
— Sam Goldwyn
In this chapter, voice and resonance impairments are discussed as a combined category of
communication disorders. There is an overview of the speech resonating system and a discussion
of the anatomy and physiology of voice production. The mechanics of phonation are examined,
and voice qualities are critiqued. Voice and resonance disorders arising from cleft lip and palate,
paralysis, laryngeal cancer and other diseases, vocal strain and abuse, and psychological factors are
discussed. Because of the wide variety of voice disorders, factors related to diagnosis and treatment
are addressed in each etiological category. Case studies of total laryngectomy, unilateral adductor
paralysis, vocal nodules, psychogenic aphonia, disorders related to laryngeal tissue scarring, and
cleft lip and palate are presented.
The human larynx, or voice box, is located in the neck and serves as an energy source for
speech communication. The energy generated from the larynx, and to a lesser extent from other
speech structures, gives each speaker’s voice its individual quality. The laryngeal sound source
and the resonance potential of the head and neck cavities combine to produce the physical proper-
ties and psychological qualities of a person’s speech and voice. Consequently, in this chapter, the
discussion of voice disorders is not limited to laryngeal dysfunctions, but also includes resonance
disorders such as those that occur with cleft palate.

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