OM Yoga UK - August 2017

(Greg DeLong) #1
om body
om body

  1. Child’s Pose

Draw your hips back and slowly release your sit bones towards your
heels, toes together and knees wide for a wide legged Child’s Pose.
If you have another variation of Child’s Pose you would prefer, feel
free to choose that. Arms can be stretched out in front. Alternatively,
elbows can be bent so you make a triangle with your arms, or you
can bring the arms back beside and behind you. Breathe deeply here
and feel your breath coming into the back of your body, the sides
of your body. You may wish to exhale with a tension releasing sigh
through your mouth.

  1. Ankle to Knee

Take your right ankle to your left knee, press your right hand on
your right thigh, gently opening the thigh away from the body. An
option to deepen the pose is to lift the left foot from the floor and

11) Knee Circles
Still lying on your back, bring both knees
into your chest. Hook one ankle on top of
the other, take the knees slightly wider and
press the knees away so the lower back
grounds into the floor. Circle the knees to
loosen the hips and give your lower back a
kind of massage. After 5 rotations, switch
the hook of the ankles and repeat in the
opposite direction.

10) Half Happy Baby
Gently lift up and roll over so you lie flat on your back. Bend your
knees and rest the feet and back flat on the floor. Draw one knee
into the chest, relax shoulders and settle into the posture for at least
5 breaths. Repeat on the other side.





12 Variation

interlace the hands around the left thigh or knee. Let the shoulders
relax at the same time. Stay for about 5 breaths and repeat on the
opposite side.

om body

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