OM Yoga UK - August 2017

(Greg DeLong) #1

Your circle

is sacred

om family

Concious Parenting

From shamanism to successful

parenting, Siri Arti finds a healing space

for the benefit of all the family


or the past year, I have been
studying a type of shamanism
that explores the lineage of the
Twisted Hairs of Turtle Island.
Within these teachings, there
are many sacred medicine wheels: tools
to help us heal Grandmother Earth and
re-establish connection and balance. These
medicine wheels can be studied on their
own or overlaid into other systems. Some
are simple, like the Elements and others are
extensive, like the various mystery schools
of the Eight Great Powers. After studying
them for a while, I started to dream about
the hoops, circles, and wheels and the many

aspects of sacred life and knowledge that
they hold.
However overwhelmed I get by all the
hoops and their information, ideas and
powers, the clearest message I have received
is: stay in your circle.

Into the circle
While diving into this new school of
teachings, I was floundering as a parent.
The last 18 months have taken me to the
highest pain threshold I have ever reached
as a parent. There were times where I felt I
was drowning in pain, and had nowhere else
to go, and nothing to say. I started seeking

something to help me survive, something to
give me strength, and I found it in the circle.
As the medicine wheels weaved their magic
through my being, I made a commitment
to heal, so I joined the weekly Red Owl
Sisterhood teaching circle. Some weeks, I
sat in the circle with tears trickling down my
cheeks, but I was there, and I was present.
Laurel, the facilitator, encouraged us not to
save each other and I deeply appreciated
this. I didn’t need to be saved, stroked or
soothed. Instead, I sat in the circle, and
trusted the strength of the sisterhood. I sat
and watched the courage it took others to
be there too. I sat there and listened to the
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