AsiaSpa - July-August 2017

(ff) #1
72 AsiaSpa July/August 2017


Guests can be a tough

crowd but all meals

are punctuated with

oohing and ahhing

over the simple but

delicious healthy


in the moment, and listen to the kind of
activities their bodies naturally crave. The
bosu ball class with Ali is fun and she offers
modifications depending on fitness ability
to ensure everyone is challenged.
Afterwards, bubbly Shannon gives the
first of our daily two-hour talks on the
importance of deep sleep and the vital
role it plays in mental clarity, emotional
intelligence, cell renewal, balancing
hormones and burning fat. We learn how
alcohol, caffeine, nutritional deficiencies
and dehydration can be potential roadblocks
for quality sleep, and are given ‘sleep
hacks’, such as mindfulness, journaling and
conscious breathing to ponder next time we
are tossing and turning.
Afternoons are a time for guests to bring
the focus inwards, in what Gwinganna
likes to call ‘Dreamtime’, an opportunity to
slow down for more yin-skewed pastimes.
The spa menu is extensive with page upon
page of indulgence, including out-of-the-
box ones like reiki and tarot card reading.
I try Rockupuncture, which fuses gentler

Japanese-style acupuncture with heated
basalt stones, used to calm the nervous
system. As soon as the needles go in, I feel
a delightful wave of serenity wash over me
and the soothing oil massage to follow is a
hazy, blissful blur.
The day’s early rise coupled with spa
time and many starting to feel the first
effects of caffeine and sugar withdrawal
make exhaustion clearly visible on many a
face. The group meditation session before
dinner, complete with bolsters, blankets

CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: The spa deck offers a sense of peace any time of day; equine therapies are a unique highlight; wildlife is abundant on Gwinganna grounds; look forward
to specialities like orange fennel fish
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