
(WallPaper) #1

By the SDs of TE scores of eastern, central and western 211Us, their differences

are not obvious. The SD of eastern 211Us is slightly lower than that of the central

or western 211Us, reflecting that the differences on research efficiency among

eastern 211Us are smaller than those of central or western 211Us.

4.2.8 HSS Disciplines.................................

The previous paragraphs presented the regional comparative analysis on the NEAM

disciplines, this subsection will show the results of HSS disciplines. Similar with

NEAM disciplines, we aggregate the data by university locations, and compare the

differences between the eastern, central and western 211Us, based on the full
sample results of HSS research efficiency.

Table4.18presents the numbers and proportions of DEA-efficient units by

university location. It can be known from Table4.18, the number of DEA-efficient

units in eastern 211Us reaches maximum value 4 in 2007. The proportion of

DEA-efficient units in eastern 211Us is 7% in 2007, and stay around 3–5% in other

years. Inside eastern 211Us, the proportion (and also the number) of DEA-efficient

units in HSZUs is zero, and the proportion of efficient units in JUs or HSZUs is

merely 6–8%. The DEA-efficient proportion of central 211Us reaches its minimum

4% in 2006, then rises to and stays at 9% in the rest four years. The DEA-efficient

proportion of western 211Us reaches maximum 9% in 2009, but stays at a low level

in other years. It can be seen from thefive-year means in the last column, the

DEA-efficient proportion is very low in each region, with no one larger than 8%.

Compared with production frontier of the full sample, the efficient proportion of

central 211Us is larger than that of eastern or western 211Us, and that of western

211Us is lower than that of eastern 211Us. It’s worth to notice that there is no

DEA-efficient university in HSZUs belonging to eastern 211Us.

Fig. 4.8 Change of TE for
NEAM disciplines by
university location (2006–

134 4 Evaluation on Research Efficiency of 211Us: The DEA Approach

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