2017-08-08 Asian Geographic JUNIOR

(Ron) #1

keeping the


Can you identify the religions associated
with these symbols? We give you a smattering
of clues to set you on the trail to unearth
some of the most powerful religions!

This is the dharma wheel, or dhar machakra in
Sanskrit, and it is one of the oldest symbols of
this religion. It is also one of eight auspicious
symbols. A dharma wheel consists of three par ts:
the hub, the rim, and the spokes. In the histor y
of this religion, teachers have suggested various
meanings for each of these par ts. This religion is
thought to have begun around the late 6th centur y
BCE by Siddhar tha Gautama. What is the name of
the religion?

This symbol is called the “Star of David” or the
“Shield of David”, and it dates back to the 17th
centur y. This symbol was not always associated
with the religion. It was inherited from medieval
Arabic literature by Kabbalists, and was used as
a talisman for protection; it was once referred
to as the Seal of Solomon. Which religion is this
hexagon associated with?

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