Tell Tail AugustNovember 2017

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
A button eyed brown-white cuddly ball
of fur on four paws stood on my door
She’s from the streets, in need of a home
I’m not a cat person you see, we can’t
live together!
It’s been two years and little Le-leo kept
She peed on my cushions, my precious
Turkish carpet is a baldy piece of
scratchy threads now,
my treasured collection of vases is
almost gone,
Like Indiana Jones I climbed trees,
crawled up terraces to get her down,
bruised my arms,scaled my knees, series
of sleepless nights-
But Le-Leo lived on, with her incessant
comforting purrs and her loud meows,
her tender lickings and her boisterous
spritzings in the house
she pawed into my heart, snuggled into
our home as the most distinguished
member of our family.

love In veRSe

14 Tell Tail^ n^ Aug 2017 - Oct 2017

Send us photos and details of your
pet events and if the event is really
different, we will feature it in Tell Tail.
Mark “event” as the subject and send it to
[email protected]

To Le-Leo


Samantha and Puddle

Where nobody cares,
I wade through these crowed streets,
In silence I hope I get something to eat,
Today nobody stopped to say hello
I don’t blame them I’m not so
I’m only tiny and left to my fend for my
But I’m brave and willing to defend
When the humans look at me and look
I feel I don’t deserve any shelter to stay
I wag my tail, i bark , I moo and i bray
And the most I love to sleep all day,
I don’t demand very much,
A few loving pats is all I ask.
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