Tell Tail AugustNovember 2017

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Tell Tail n Aug 2017 - Oct 2017 9

What does it take to catch a
jar dog?
Ajay explains “The dog is already
stressed with the lack of air, food
and water. In the early days, when
we tried such rescues, we went in
groups of 10-15 people. We would
corner the dog, catch him in a net
and then cut the jar out. I realised
this was causing a lot more stress
for the animal. So, I prefer to work
with just one or two people who
help spot the dog. Then, it has to
happen in one shot. you need a firm

grip to catch, calm and remove the
jar. I have learnt this on the job.”
His worry is that many dogs go
unreported and die a miserable,
suffocating, hungry, thirsty death.
“Once a dog is out, he is off
like a rocket. That gives me real
happiness. Sometimes I go back to
the place to spot the dog.”

How do they get stuck?
“Probably there are biscuit crumbs,
food or water that they go for. And
once in they can’t wriggle their way

out. Scared, they run helter skelter.
Other dogs chase them since they
appear different.”

How can we help?
Such jars are commonly used by
tea stalls and some shops. I make
it a point to explain that they must
crush them properly. One of my
biggest highs was a jar case on SB
Road where the garbage collectors
immediately called a meeting of their
team and asked that all such jars to
be crushed. you too must talk!

stressed. Secondly, to have no food
or water means it is weak. Such
rescues need different abilities.
This is where Ajay found that he is
at his best.
It began two years ago when
Ajay could not reach a jar dog
because he was not in the city.
“The dog was dead the next day
and somewhere I held myself
responsible,” says Ajay. Though
shattered with the loss, he found
strength in it too and decided that
he would be there for jar dogs and
for rescues of aggressive dogs.
True to his promise, Ajay travels
by bus, rickshaw, cabs and on
borrowed two wheelers to reach
animals in distress. “It does take a
little more time but I know I have
to be there so it doesn’t matter.
The day I buy a vehicle, I won’t
get any rest, I will be moving all
over looking for animals in need,”
laughs Ajay. He does get a lot of
flak for his work for animals, but
he can’t help it. “I forget my laptop
on occasion but I don’t step out
without my dog kit,” grins the 28
year old who is co-founder of a
start up. His total so far: 18 jar
dogs successfully rescued in two

Dogs get their heads stuck in jars
like these. Please crush any such
jars you come across

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