The Week India — November 12, 2017

(sharon) #1


ahatma Gandhi became the target of
his killers just 17 days before his death.
Had it all gone as per plan, he would
have died on January 20.
On January 12, 1948, Gandhi announced a fast
with two objectives: to make the government pay
Pakistan its share of 0 55 crore from the cash balance
in the Reserve Bank of India; and to foster friendship
between Muslims and Hindus who were killing each
other. India was at war with Pakistan over Kashmir.
Seven million refugees had arrived, angry and miser-
able. Many of them had seen their family members
being murdered, raped or forcibly converted.
On hearing about Gandhi’s announcement,

Nathuram Vinayak Godse and Narayan
Dattatray Apte, editor and manager, respec-
tively, of the Marathi newspaper Hindu Rashtra
of Poona, made the most important decision of
their lives—to kill the Mahatma. Active in the
Hindu Mahasabha, they had been discussing
other ideas to avenge the Hindus—ambushing
an ammunition train or attacking the Hyderabad
state in commando style. But on January 13, they
decided to kill Gandhi.
On the same day, they called on Digamber
Badge, an arms supplier in Poona, who agreed
to deliver grenades and explosives to them in
Bombay. Gopal Godse, Nathuram’s younger
brother who was in the army’s ordnance service,
offered a revolver for the mission. On January
14, Nathuram and Apte went to Bombay by
train. The actress Shanta Modak (Bimba), whom
Apte befriended on the train, dropped them
at Savarkar Sadan, Hindu Mahasabha leader
Vinayak Damodar Savarkar’s house in Dadar.
Savarkar was so revered by Nathuram and Apte

A hit and a miss

Mysteriously, the police failed to pursue
the assassins after their first attempt ten
days before the murder

Killers’ smile: (First row, from left) Nathuram,
Apte, Karkare; (second row) Badge, Madanlal,
Gopal; (third row) Shankar, Savarkar


(^40) THE WEEK Š NOVEMBER 12, 2017

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