The Week India — November 12, 2017

(sharon) #1

that even the masthead of their earlier newspaper,
Agrani, had his photograph. Nathuram was a close
associate of Savarkar from 1929 and had been active
in the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh. But, he left the
RSS later.
Two other conspirators, Vishnu Karkare and
Madanlal Pahwa, met Nathuram and Apte later that
day in the Hindu Mahasabha office in Bombay. Karkare
was the secretary of the Mahasabha in Ahmadnagar.
He had taken Madanlal, a violent young Punjabi refu-
gee from Pakistan, under his wings.
As promised, Badge and his servant Shankar Kistaiya
arrived at the Hindu Mahasabha office with explo-

sives. Badge also joined the conspirators, seeing
in it a business opportunity. After the murder, he
turned against them and testified that Nathuram
and Apte had met Savarkar before flying to Delhi
on January 17.
Gopal Godse reached Delhi with a service
revolver on January 19. The conspirators’
armoury now consisted of a .38mm revolver, a
.32mm revolver, five hand-grenades fitted with
seven-second fuses and two gun-cotton slabs
with 90-second fuses. The plan was to shoot
down Gandhi at his prayer meeting in Birla
House on January 20.


Born in Poona on May 19, 1910 to
a postal employee, Nathuram was
brought up as though he were a
girl, as his parents feared that their
male children would die young.
As his nose was pierced to take a
nath, a nose-ring, he got the name
Nathuram—Ram who wears a
nose-ring. His family believed the
child possessed oracular powers.
When he was 19, the family
shifted to Ratnagiri, where he met
V.D. Savarkar. In 1932, he joined
the RSS, but later left it to join the
Hindu Mahasabha.
When a secret organisation,
Hindu Rashtra Dal, was built with
Savarkar’s blessings, Nathuram
was one of the office bearers. Two
years later, in 1944, along with
Narayan Apte, he started a Marathi
newspaper in Poona called Agrani
(The Forerunner). When it was
banned, they renamed it Hindu
Rashtra. He was the only accused
in the assassination case who
owned up the murder. All others
pleaded ‘not guilty’. Nathuram was
hanged to death in Ambala prison
on November 15, 1949.

He flirted, smoked, drank and
was debonair—an exact opposite
of Nathuram Godse, who was
quiet and simple.
Apte was born in Poona in

  1. His father was a historian
    and Sanskrit scholar. He took
    a science degree from Bombay
    University and married from an
    affluent family before he could
    find a job.
    Later, he taught at the
    American Mission High School in
    Ahmednagar. In 1939, he joined
    the Hindu Mahasabha and, two
    years later met Nathuram for the
    first time. He was also a Hindu
    Rashtra Dal office bearer.
    In early 1943, the Royal Indian
    Air Force appointed him as a
    recruiting officer, in the rank of a
    flight lieutenant, in Poona. But he
    rejected an offer of permanent
    commission. When Nathuram
    started Agrani, Apte joined him
    as manager. He had an extra-
    marital affair with a Christian girl,
    Manorama Salvi.
    Apte was hanged, along with
    Nathuram, on November 15, 1949.

Karkare was brought up in the
Northcote Orphanage in Bombay.
He didn’t receive formal schooling,
but taught himself to read and
write Marathi and Hindi. He
worked in a tea shop at the age of
ten and later ran away to Poona.
After 15 years of hardwork, he
started a tea shop in a disused
cowshed in Ahmadnagar.
The tea shop soon became a
lodge—Deccan Guest House. It
was Karkare who built the Hindu
Mahasabha unit in Ahmadnagar.
In 1939, when Apte first met him,
Karkare was its district secretary.
He was elected unopposed as
municipal councillor in 1942.
When riots broke out in Noakhali
in Bengal in 1946, Karkare and
six other Mahasabha workers
opened relief centres there. What
he witnessed—killings, rapes and
forced conversions—hardened him.
Karkare was present at
Birla House when Gandhi was
killed. He was sentenced to life
imprisonment and released on
October 13, 1964. He died after a
heart attack on April 6, 1974.

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