Index 275
sign language: access to, 30; Belgian-French,
58; British, 137; in Cameroon, 219n;
Danish, 27, 137; in Democratic Republic
of Congo, 86; development of, 227;
documentation of, 228–29; Hausa, 229;
intergenerational transmission of, 113;
Langue des Signes Francophone, 112–13,
170, 222, 227, 230, 235; in Netherlands,
26–27; rhetoric of, 65, 92; in South Asia,
80–81; threats to, 26–27; Ugandan,
18–19, 227–28; universal character of,
71–72. See also American Sign Language;
Cameroon Sign Language; Extreme North
Cameroon Sign Language; Flemish Sign
Sign Language, Sustainable Development, and
Equal Opportunities (De Clerck & Paul),
145, 153–54
“Sign Language, Sustainable Development,
and Equal Opportunities” conference,
sign system, 79, 112
Sikazwe, E., 237
situatedness of science, 40
Skelton, T., 139
Skinner, D., 86
sleeping metaphor, 63–64
Sloterdijk, Peter, 14, 16
Smith, Zadie, 169–70
Sorin-Barreteau, Liliane, 113
Soto, Amparo Minguet, 57
South Africa, experience of student from, 93
South Asia, sign languages in, 80–81
South Korea, experience of student from,
spaces: of becoming, 167, 168, 171; between
belief and practice, 216–17, 226–32; deaf,
at Gallaudet, waking up in, 91–94; eye/I,
161; between spaces, 21, 127, 128, 172;
between talking and doing, 232
spiral staircase metaphor, 218
Spivak, G., 43
Sri Lanka, experience of teacher from, 94–95
Ssendagire, Edreke, 238
Stinckens, N., 202
Stokoe, W. C., 40
Stoller, Paul, 200–201, 213
Storbeck, C., 48
storytelling. See life stories; signed storytelling
strength-centered ethnography, 3, 205–14
strong deaf identity, 86–90, 93–94, 97,
186–91, 203
student clubs at Gallaudet, 96
study abroad, 175
subaltern elite researcher concept, 82
subaltern social position, 176
subjectivity, 134, 156
subjugated knowledge, insurrection of, 67–72
support and solidarity, practices of, 190,
sustainability in space between belief and
practice, 216–17, 226–32
Sweden, trips to, 131
Swedish Deaf Association, 226
synthesis of multiple knowledge systems,
tales of birth: breaking through myth of success
and failure, 149–50; deaf elders and
intergenerational dialogue, 154–56; deaf
migrants and intercultural dialogue, 156–
61; newcomers in community, 151–54
Taylor, Charles, 204
television news, captioning of, 69
Thailand: deaf people in, 80; National
Association of the Deaf in, 81
theater, as transformative resource, 224–26
Tijsseling, Corrie, 26–27
Total Communication approach, 58–59, 112
transitions: from being to becoming, 130,
134–35, 172; in deaf identity, 130–35; in
deaf lives and communities, 11–15
translated (deaf ) people, 94–97
translations, video, 213
transnational deaf identity, 80, 86–90
tree: classes held under, 238–39; gatherings
under, 237–39; metaphor of, 221, 222,
231, 232–36; planting ceremonies, 238,
239; as symbol of hope, 220
Tyst Teater, 226
Uganda: cooperation between Cameroon and,
231; meaning of trees in, 237–39; north-
south cooperation in, 231; as regional
leader in deaf interests, 122–23; support
for independence of, 238; videos on, 23;
Wakiso Secondary School for the
Deaf, 18–19