NeuroMem Technologies Teams Up with FiberOne for AI
SINGAPORE: NeuroMem Technologies Pte Ltd,
a pa ern recogni on technology company
focused on the use and benefits of
neuromorphic semiconductor components,
teamed up with FiberOne Asia to demonstrate
the prac cal use of ar ficial intelligence (AI) at
EmTech Asia 2018, the annual global emerging
technologies conference hosted by MIT
Technology Review.
FiberOne, one of Singapore's most forward
looking audio visual (AV) system integrator, is
leveraging Neuromem's disrup ve,
neuromorphic AI technology to create a facial
recogni on solu on that would create a more
interac ve experience for the hospitality,
construc on and audio-visual sector. The team
tapped into Neuromem's ecosystem of
engineers, designers and experts including
Dr. Manan Suri, Assistant Professor with the
Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian
Ins tute of Technology-Delhi (IIT-Delhi) and a
member of the Steering Commi ee at
NeuroMem Technologies. Dr. Suri used his
personal experience with projects he has been
working on in facial recogni on and medical
applica ons to help the FiberOne team make
the best use of the neuromorphic memory
capabili es of the Neuromem chips.
Johnson Mutaya, CEO at FiberOne, said, “This is
an exci ng new journey for us and we are
pleased to be working with the team at
Neuromem who have not only one of the most
effec ve technologies in the AI space but have
provided us with the support and resources to
make this happen. It has been my ambi on for
FiberOne to get involved in AI and hopefully
become a game changer within the AV
One of the key highlights for Mutaya was the
fact that Neuromem's neuromorphic AI
technology consumed less power and was not
dependent on cloud services. “The fact that it
does not rely on the cloud or an Internet
connec on, means that our technology can be
deployed anywhere and is completely secure
because it is localized to the applica on and yet
dynamic enough to deliver what we need,”
added Mutaya.
“We are truly excited. I am already working
on some proof of concept using the
technology and so far the response has
been very posi ve,” said a pleased Mutuya.
This project will help Fiber One Asia's
con nued efforts to provide out of the box
and crea ve solu ons in the AV sector with
plans to expand into the construc on and
hospitality sectors looking to adapt future
Pierre Brunswick, CEO of Neuromem
Technologies, commented, “We are
delighted with the results of this project
with the FiberOne team. This solu on has
so many applica ons not just in the AV
sector but also for the tourism,
construc on, hospitality and, of course,
security and surveillance sectors. Our
demonstra on at EmTech Asia will
showcase the versa lity of our technology
and we hope that we will soon have more
prototypes in several other sectors.”