Barco India Launches
wePresent Solution
Professional visualiza on and networking
solu ons major Barco launched wePresent
WiPG-1600W, the latest itera on of its
cu ng-edge cross-pla orm BYOD
presenta on solu on. Aimed at enabling a
more seamless and interac ve experience
for classrooms, lecture halls, and huddle
spaces, the wePresent WiPG-1600W builds
on the best features of its preceding models
with greater networking flexibility. The
launch once again underlines Barco’s
technological and market leadership in the
collabora on and networking space, and
highlights how it is redefining tradi onal
mee ng spaces with its cu ng-edge
solu ons.
“In our increasingly digital-first world,
adop ng technological solu ons to drive
more effec ve, interac ve, and efficient
opera ons is no longer a luxury, but an
urgent necessity,” said Ramya Cha erjee,
Director – Sales (Visualiza on &
Entertainment) Barco India. “Barco
wePresent is aimed at empowering users to
adapt their training and mee ng spaces to
the evolving requirements of their
par cipants. The mul ple access features on
the WiPG-1600W allow for greater
networking flexibility, while its BYOD-led
approach enables a more interac ve,
seamless, and collabora ve mee ng
environment which drives be er outcomes
and enhances produc vity.”
A Gateway to Collabora on in the
Classroom: wePresent WiPG-1600W enables
users to intui vely write and draw on the
interac ve touch display connected to
wePresent. It integrates with touchscreen
displays and smartboards to allow wireless
control of any user device. Interac ve touch
displays allow users to remotely access
features such as On Screen Annota on. With
interac ve whiteboards becoming more
available and widely used in different
educa onal ins tu ons, users can have
control of wireless presenta on which is a
must-have requirement in today’s digital
Cross-pla orm, cross-func onal: Redefining
learning spaces: Armed with mul ple
network access solu ons such as wired LAN,
wireless LAN, and wired LAN + wireless LAN,
the wePresent WiPG-1600W allows users to
switch between various networking
solu ons to meet the specific presenta on
requirements for different use-cases. It also
comes equipped with several interac ve
features such as USB media/document
player, on-board video player, on-screen
annota on, and interac ve whiteboard,
which enable seamless sharing of
informa on over a networked environment
with just a few clicks.
The solu on can also auto detect HDMI
resolu on and allows presenters to share
content on a display with wePresent while
viewing different content, making for a more
personalized and seamless experience.
Moreover, it has the capability to mirror
Chromebooks as well as iOS devices through
Apple AirPlay. The Power over Ethernet
(POE) feature further allows the wePresent
WiPG-1600W to ditch the power cord. This
cross-func onal approach makes the WiPG-
1600W one of the most comprehensive,
technologically-advanced, and customizable
collabora on solu on for learning spaces
such as college lecture halls, keynote
speeches, and student huddles.
Safe, secure, and seamless: The WiPG-
1600W features a 64-user capacity with
moderator control and advanced security,
including enterprise-level encryp on,
gatekeeper se ngs, and 4-digit access
codes. Mul user queues allow moderators
to manage how connected par cipants can
share their content, while 1 to Many
Distribu on allows presenta ons to be
displayed simultaneously to mul ple
network-connected wePresents in larger
USB Guest Access allows guest presenters to
quickly connect and display their device in as
li le as 5 seconds, while guest users can also
download a simple executable file and
connect straight to the specific wePresent,
without installing the so ware on their
device. This provides moderators complete
control over their networked environments
and allows them to keep it secure, focused,
and produc ve.
Crestron Introduces
New Remote Controls
Crestron announced
introduc on of the HR-
310 Handheld Remote
and TSR-310 Handheld
Touch Screen Remote.
They combine all the
best elements of the
previous genera on of
Crestron remotes with
even more advanced
func onality and superb
ergonomic design,
incredible bu on feel,
voice control, custom engravable bu ons,
movement sensor, profiles se ngs, mul -
color bu ons, and more.
“Our previous genera on of HR and TSR
handheld remotes was ergonomically
designed and ultra-reliable, but we felt we
could do even be er,” said Doug Jacobson,
Director, Residen al Technology at Crestron.
“The HR-310 and TSR-310 are Crestron
handheld remotes reimagined.”
Precision cra ed and perfectly weighted, the
new Crestron handheld remotes bring
control to a luxurious new level. Ruggedized
for durability and wrapped in a sa ny
smooth easy-grip housing, they deliver
excep onal comfort and ergonomics for
hours of one-handed use.
HR-310: The HR-310 features: backlit tac le
bu ons; long ba ery life u lizing standard
AAA ba eries; nine custom engravable
bu ons to display the most frequently used
func ons; and ultra-reliable Crestron infiNET
EX wireless gateway.
TSR-310: The TSR-310 features: a built-in 3"
touch screen display; stunning resolu on; a
rechargeable ba ery that lasts 3 – 4 days
between charges; incredible processing
power; Wi-Fi connec vity for high-
bandwidth communica ons; voice control;
and an elegant, discreet charging sta on.
The new Crestron HR-310 and TSR-310
handheld remotes raise the bar for advanced
func onality and beau ful ergonomic
design. Visit the product pages for more
informa on including specifica ons, photos,
pricing, and accessories.