Making Money - May 2018

(nextflipdebug5) #1





Ableworld is targeting a national coverage of 60-70 stores, with

at least 60 per cent of the total being franchised owned outlets


hy do successful
companies decide
to offer their
business model as
a franchise? For the country’s largest
mobility retailer, Ableworld, it was to
expand its trusted brand and capitalise
on the tremendous growth of the
mobility sector.
The mobility industry is one of the
fastest growing sectors in today’s retail
space. UK demographic and economic
forces are very positive for this sector.

There are currently almost 15 million
people aged 60 and above in the UK and
this is predicted to rise to 20 million by

  1. People are living longer and the

millions of baby boomers born in the
1950s and 1960s, now reaching their
‘third age’, frequently need the products
and services Ableworld offers.
And since many people in this age
group often have final salary pensions
and significant property equity,
they have the resources to purchase
equipment like mobility scooters,
specialist furniture and stairlifts.
Ableworld opened 10 of its own
stores before offering its model up for
franchising. The company now has
34 stores across the country - from
Scotland to Southampton and from
Colchester to Cardiff. Half of these
stores are company owned and half
have been opened under the franchise

Having its own stores as well as
franchises means Ableworld has
‘skin in the game’, giving franchisees
the security of knowing that if the
franchisor says something will work, it
probably will. It also means a process
of continuous improvement exists as
company stores and franchise stores
find ever better ways of doing business
and sharing that best practice.
One of the areas that has improved
from the early days is the procedure
for opening new stores and bringing
new franchisees on board. The fact
everything is fully documented and
that there is a dedicated store opening
project team gives franchisees
confidence and a jump start for their
new businesses.
In addition, approximately a third
of the initial franchise fee is allocated
to marketing activity around the time
of the store opening, with substantial
coverage in local press and online.
This is what Ableworld Gloucester
franchisee, Conway Davies, said about
his experience of opening an Ableworld
store: “I just wanted to thank you and
your team for getting us this far.
“I’m very much aware this is early
days, but we couldn’t have asked for a
better start.”
Conway later invited his bother-
in-law, James Studdart, to join the
network. James now has two stores
in South Wales and won the Rising
Star Award at this year’s franchise

Ableworld’s support continues after the
launch. The company has experienced
franchise support managers who visit
stores every four-six weeks to help with
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