Early Judaism- A Comprehensive Overview

(Grace) #1

Index of Subjects

Aaronide messiah, 430-31
Abraham, 166-71, 270-71
Abrahamic covenant, 405
accommodation, 107
acculturation, 248-49, 372
Achaemenid dynasty, 31-32
Achior the Ammonite, 87
Acmonia, 113
Acta Hermaisci, 63
Actium, battle of, 337
Acts of the Alexandrians, 385
“actualizing exegesis,” 129
adiaphora, 276
Aelia Capitolina, 49, 66, 351, 352
Aelius Hadrianus, 351
Aenesidemus, 255
Against Apion(Josephus), 22, 85, 235,
237, 291, 308-13
Agatharchides, 33, 309
Agrippa I, 53, 54-56, 61, 78, 117, 259, 278,
296, 384, 387, 392
Agrippa II, 55-57, 62, 78, 291-92, 296
Agrippa, Marcus Vipsanius, 60-61, 337,
Akiba, Rabbi, 65, 66, 190
Alcimus, 20, 42-43, 44
Alexander Balas, 43-44
Alexander Polyhistor, 230, 231, 232
Alexander the Alabarch, 377

Alexander the Great, vii, 1, 2, 30, 31, 32-
33, 48, 86, 96, 193, 323, 368, 370
Alexandria, 21, 22-23, 34, 113, 118, 376-77,
archaeology of, 333-34
destruction of, 65
Jewish community in, 61-62, 102, 103,
253, 382-85
library of, 193-94
papyri from, 361
Philo in, 253-57
pogrom in, 254, 259, 278, 281, 282, 287
synagogues in, 99
Allegorical Commentary(Philo), 255,
260, 263-67, 268-69
allegory, 230, 264-65
Allegory of the Law(Philo), 265-67
Ambrose, 263
Amida, 415
amphora stamps, 359
Ananias, 46
Ananus ben Ananus, 57-59, 82-83
Anaxarchos, 276
Andreas, 385
Andromachos, 323
Animal Apocalypse,14, 90, 91
animals, 240, 277
Antigonid Greece, 33, 38
Antigonus, Mattathias, 50, 78, 332
anti-Judaism, 405, 414, 415


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