
(Nandana) #1

272 Index

as peacemaker, 14, 22-23, 184, 187, 190-91,
203, 253n39; on the Roman church, 14, 36-37;
recapitulation, 19; scientific views, 216n8;
works of, xi-xiii, 254n40
Irenaeus, manuscripts of: Berolinensis lat. 43, 196;
Claromontanus, 126; Jena fragments, 126,
253n27; P.Oxy. 3.405, 120-21, 126-29, 203-4;
used by Erasmus, 183, 185, 250n2, 251n4;
Vossianus lat. F. 33, 189, 196
Isidore of Seville, 127-28, (Codex Sangallensis 231)
240n63, 240n64

Jason of Cyrene, 37
Jeremias, Joachim, 141
Jerome, 56, 207, 225n39, 229nn3, 5, 254n44
Jerusalem, 26, 37, 155
Jewish-Christian Gospels, 110-12
John Chrysostom, 155, 245n16
John of Antioch, 251n1
John of Damascus, 208, 254nn52, 58
Johnson, Luke Timothy, 65, 68
Johnson, M. E., 244n13, 245n26
Jongkind, Dirk, 239n39
Josephus, 36
Julius Africanus, 37
Junius Rusticus, 252n18
Justin Martyr, 42, 43, 59, 83, 84, 133, 142-43, 166-
67, 171, 191, 214n11, 220n87, 234n34, 241n10,
242n6, 242n7, 243n16, 243n22, 247n8, 248n24,
252n18, 253n19

Kannengiesser, Charles, 248n10
Kelly, J. N. D., 153, 155-56
Kenyon, Frederick G., 239n35, 239n42, 240n48
King, J. Christopher, 82, 229n3, 230n11, 230n13
Kinzig, Wolfram, 245n26
Klauck, Hans-Josef, 236n35
Koester, Helmut, 232n9
Koriat, Asher, 234n33

Lake, Kirsopp, 99
Lampe, Peter, 42, 43
Latin, 30-32, 218n55, 221nn102, 103
Latomus, Jacobus, 184
Le Boulluec, Alain, 214n8
Le Preux and Parvus (printers), 187
Leinieks, Valdis, 98, 233n12, 233n26
Libby, Lisa K., 101-2
Liber Pontificalis, 48, 50
Lietzmann, H., 154, 245n24
Linus, 38-39, 50

Loofs, 200
Lot, 92
Luther, 185, 189-90
Lutherans, 191, 194
Luttikhuizen, Gerard P., 248n13
Lyons, 15-16, 203, 207, 219n65, 219n66, 220n98,
220n100; martyrs of, 15-16, 32; 215n12,
218n47, 220n86

Mackavey, W. R., 234n30
MacRae, George W., 108, 235n11
Magdeburg Centuriators, 189
Malley, J. E., 234n30
Marcellus of Ancyra, 173-74, 176-81, 250n53
Marcion/Marcionites, 38, 43, 45, 68, 79, 91-93, 104,
144, 189, 217n23, 231nn8, 10, 232n1, 232n3,
243n24, 252n7
Marcus/Marcosians, 109-10, 117, 160, 162-63, 168,
189, 246n13
Markschies, C., 235n11
Marseilles, 28
Mary, 72-74, 161-62, 188, 190, 196, 200
Massuet, René 187, 192-94, 197, 253n33
Maximilla, 247n27
Maximus the Confessor, 209, 254n58
McNamee, Kathleen, 121, 238nn20-21
Meier, John, 66-67
Melchizedek, 75
Melito, 153
Metzger, B. M., 55, 129
Michaels, J. Ramsey, 59, 224n14
Minns, Denis, 174-75
Miriam/Mary (sister of Moses), 87
Mitchell, L., 245n34
Moll, Sebastian, 95-98, 102, 232n3
Montanism, 23, 67, 69, 197, 225nn39, 40, 247n27
Moore, Stephen D., 82, 229n7
Moses, 71-72, 75, 86, 87
Munzer, 189

Nautin, P., 252n12
Neisser, Ulric, 101-2
Neo-Pythagorianism, 236n27
Nicholas of Lyra, 188
Nicolaus of Damascus, 37
Nilus of Ancyra, 81
Noack, L., 227n82
Nomina sacra, 241nn74-75
Norris, Richard A., 135
Novatian, 49-50
Novationism, 225n39
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