
(Nandana) #1

274 Index

Stewart, A. J., 234n30
Strecker, 111
Styger, P., 47

Tatian, 116, 234n34, 236n34
Tchacos, Codex, 234n4, 235n10
Telfer, W., 36, 47
Tertullian, 79, 81, 166-67, 204-5, 225n39, 231n20,
241n71, 247n8, 253n32
Theissen, Gerd, 66
Theodore of Mopsuestia, 246n47
Theodoret of Cyrrhus, 81, 190, 205, 251n1
Theodotion, 111-12
Theophilus of Antioch, 143, 202, 217n23, 252, n16,
Theophrastus, 41
Third race, Christians as, 218n53
Thomassen, E., 108
Thurzo, Stanislaus, 251n4
Till, W. C., 236n24
Timothy Aeluros, 254n51
Tischendorf, C., 56
Turner, C. H., 67-68, 226n54
Turner, E. G., 236n4, 238n25

Unger, Dominic J., 204, 207, 208, 253n30
Urban, 49, 51

Valentinian Exposition, A, 109

Valentinus/Valentinians, 42, 45, 69, 84, 91-93, 105,
108-9116, 133-34, 161, 167, 197, 202-3, 232n3,
235n11, 242n15, 246n7, 252n7, 253n20
Vaticanus, codex, 123, 127-29
Victor of Rome, 22-23, 35, 45, 46, 47, 52
Victorinus of Poetovio, 81
Victricius of Rouen, 208
Vielhauer, Philipp, 111
Vincent of Lerins, 196
Von Campenhausen, Hans, 158
Von Cles, Bernard, 184

Waldstein, M., 236n29
Washingtoniensis, Codex, 125
Wenger, Antoine, 155
Werner, Johannes, 67
Westcott, B. F., 55
“Western” text, 55, 153
Westra, L. H.,153
Wiedemann, Thomas, 98, 233n19
Williams, Michael Allen, 159, 246n6, 246n13
Wisdom of Solomon, 77, 227n80, 227n81, 227n82

Xenophanes, 135, 252n12

Zahn, Theodor, 214n9
Zephyrinus, 35, 45, 48, 49, 51
Ziegler, H., 203
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