
(Nandana) #1

Index 273

Oecolampadius, Johannes, 185
Oikonomia, 215n25
Oppian, 28
Optatus, 190
Orbe, Antonio, 77, 227n80, 228n83, 228n84,
231n10, 249n35
Orbe, Antonio, 56, 57, 59
Origen, 81-82, 87-88, 91, 122, 142, 146-49, 174,
229n3, 229n7, 230n13, 230n37, 231n10,
237n16, 238n22, 243n9, 243n13, 243n24,
243n35, 243n36, 244n47, 248n24
Orval, 183, 197
Osborn, Eric, 174, 200, 202-4
Oxyrhynchus, 237n12

Pacian, 225n39
Pagels, Elaine, 159, 162, 214n5, 247n25
Pantaenus, 234n34, 237n12
Papias of Hierapolis, 21-22, 202, 252n14
Parvis, Paul, 83
Parvis, Sara, 177-78, 250n51
Pearson, Birger A., 112, 235n16, 236n32
Pellican, Conrad, 185
Pfaff, M. Ch., xiii, 195
Philo, 98, 122, 127, 233n11, 238n27, 238n29
Philostratus, 27-28, 101
Phipps, William, 229n7
Photius, 19, 208, 254n58
Plato, Timaeus 28C, 141-42
Pliny, 153-54
Plumptre, E. H., 227n82
Plutarch, 233n12
Polycarp of Smyrna, 14-15, 39-40, 45, 89-93,
95-104, 153, 201-2, 207, 214 n. 3, 231n8, 232n3,
232n7, 232n8, 232n9, 233n26, 234n34, 252n18
Pontian, 36, 49, 51, 52
Pothinus, 16, 23, 203
Praetextatus, cemetery of, 48
Primus of Corinth, 37-38, 40, 46
Priscilla, 247n27
Proclus of Constantinople, 155, 245n36
Prosopological exegesis, 165-69, 171, 247n5, 247n8,
Ptolemy (Gnostic), 160-61, 246n7, 246n11, 246n12
Ptolemy, Tetrabiblos, 28
Puech, H. C., 235n11

Quartodecimans, 36, 46, 184, 203
Quell, Gottfried, 141
Quispel, G., 235n11

Ratcliff, E. C., 43
Rébilard, E., 49
Recapitulation, 133
Renée de France, Duchess, 186
Reynders, Bruno, 135
Riggenbach, E., 59, 224n13
Roberts, C. H., 120, 237n10, 237n11, 237n12,
238n25, 238n27, 239n35
Rodgers, Peter, 120, 126
Romans as “barbarians,” 218n55
Rome, 29, 30, 37, 202-3, 218n46, 253n30
Rondeau, Marie-Josèph, 165-66, 247n4
Rothchild, Clare K., 66
Rousseau, Adelin, 136, 183, 192, 196-97, 231n20,
242n13, 242n19
Rowley, Harold, 229n7
Rufinus, 251n13
Rule of Truth/Rule of Faith, 20-21, 151-52, 153-54,
157-58, 160, 163, 166-67, 170, 215n26

Sagnard, François, 253n33
Sanday, William, 55, 63, 253n33
Sangallensis, Codex (ΔP), 125, 240n52, 240n53
Saturninus, 168
Scheil, P., 238n25, 238n28
Scherer, Jean, 239n33
Schmid, Josef, 56
Schmidt, Carl, 112, 236n24
Schmidt, Ulrich, 125
Schneemelcher, Wilhelm, 68
Schoedel, William R., 134, 241n10, 242n12
Schrenk, Gottlob, 141
Second Vatican Council, 197
Sesboüé, Bernard, 200, 252n12
Seth, 107
Severus of Antioch, 254n51
Simon Magus, 195
Simonetti, Manlio, 35, 47
Sinaiticus, Codex, 123
Skeat, T. C., 239n35
Slusser, Michael, 165-66, 247n5, 248n9, 248n14,
Smulders, P., 153
Smyrna, 25, 29, 153
Solomon, 92, 98
Soter, 39-40, 43
Souter, Alexander, 120, 130
Spicq, C., 227n81
Steenberg, M. C., 227n80
Stephanus Gobarus, 65, 68
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