174 Chapter 7
- DouglasHarper,“Nazi,”OnlineEtymologyDictionary, 2001,qtd.by “Nazi,”Dictionary.Com, http://
dictionary.reference.com/search?q=nazi,accessedThursday,May17, 2007. - J. P. Diggins1972,215.
- J. Goldberg2007,77.
- J. P. Diggins1972,452.
- A. Herman1997,307-08.
- J. P. Diggins1972,452, citingC. W. Mills1942,432–37.
- Giblin2002,26.
- J. Gray2013,7, accessedonlineWednesday,January23, 2013.
- GeorgeOrwell,reviewofMeinKampf,NewEnglishWeekly, March21 1940,republishedin Orwell
1968c,14. - A. Bullock1991,68; and Shirer1990,85.
- Qtd.by J. Toland1976,224–25.
- Shirer1990,206.
- N. Ferguson2006,423.
- Heiber1972,20.
- Qtd.by Fest 1974 U.S.version,234.
- Riess1948,24.
- Qtd.by Riess1948,25.
- Shirer1990,126.
- Fest 1974 U.S.version,234.
- Riess1948,24.
- Shirer1990,126.
- Riess1948,25.
- Shirer1990,126.
- Riess1948,25. Thissameobservationis madein G. L. Mosse1985,tradepaperback,186.
- Qtd.by Shirer1990,126.
- Riess1948,25.
- G. L. Mosse1964,287–88.
- G. L. Mosse1964,289, citingSchüddekopf1960,319–320.
- Fest 1974 U.S.version,307.
- The parallelsbetweenNaziismand communismare notedby historianRobertHessenin his “Re-
viewof Ludwigvon Mises’sOmnipotentGovernment,”The Objectivistvol. 9 (no. 8, August),republishedin
Rand1982,892–95. - Steinweis1993,17, 26.
- Fest 1974 U.S.version,270;Steigmann-Gall2003,41–42; F. Stern1987,155;and H. A. Turner1985,
80–81. - MichaelMoore,interviewedby Ian Hodder,“MichaelMoore’s OngoingCrusadeAgainstCorpo-
rate GreedWonHiman AudienceWithBig, Bad Nike,”IndustryCentral, 1997,http://tinyurl.com/25mkhg,
accessedFriday,June15, 2007. - OttoWagenerin a 1930conversationwithHitler,recountedin Wagener1985,115.
- Hitler,qtd. by Wagener1985,115–16.
- Fest 1974 U.S.version,125.
- N. Thomas1971,55.
- G. L. Mosse1964,280, 286.
- I firstlearnedof Moellervan denBruckcoiningthe ThirdReichfromBurumaandMargalit2005,
paperback,8. ThatMoellervan den Bruckwasan advocateof the ThirdWayis mentionedin G. L. Mosse
1964,280. - G. L. Mosse1964,280;and F. Stern2006,191,226;confirmthat Moellervan den BruckcoinedThird
Reichwiththe title of his 1923book. - G. L. Mosse1964,280.
- G. L. Mosse1964,280, citingF. Stern1961,258.
- F. Stern2006,226–27.
- Kershaw2000,paperback,152.
- Hitlerclaimedthatthe Jewsowned“warcorporations” thatoppressedthe Germans,accordingto
Giblin2002,21. - Einstein1993d,247.
- P. Lane1973,81.
- G. L. Mosse1985,tradepaperback,151.
- R. Grunberger1971,167.
- R. Grunberger1971,44–45.
- Fest 1974 U.S.edition,27, 97.
100.Burumaand Margalit2005,softcover,33.
101.G. L. Mosse1985,tradepaperback,152.