Hunting Down Social Darwinism Will This Canard Go Extinct

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

296 Chapter 11

wouldbe no accountingfor this finding.Hencethe argumentofThe Bell Curveis builton flawedassump-
tions.See S. Johnson2005.

  1. S. Olson2002,162–63.

  2. S. Olson1989,75–77.

  3. Lumsdenand Wilson1983,171.

  4. E. Wilson1998,184.

  5. EdwardO. WilsoncallsWilliamGrahamSumner“the absoluteSocialDarwinist” in E. Wilson1978,

  6. R. Benedict1959,xii–x, xv–xvii,253.

  7. R. L. Carneiro1981,176.

  8. Spencer1910avol.1, 35–36. R. L. Carneiro1981,180,broughtthis statementof Spencer’s to my

  9. Spencer 1978 vol.1, 136.R. L. Carneiro1981,176,broughtthisstatementof Spencer’s to my

  10. Spencer1886,337. R. L. Carneiro1981,176, broughtthis statementof Spencer’s to my attention.

  11. Spencer1910a,615. R. L. Carneiro176, broughtthis statementof Spencer’s to my attention.

  12. Spencer1897,331. R. L. Carneiro1981,176, broughtthis statementof Spencer’s to my attention.

  13. M. Ridley1997,155, 264–65.

  14. E. Wilson1978,224 n. 5.

  15. Steven Pinker, “Science Is Not Your Enemy,” TheNew Republic, August 6, 2013, http://,accessedMonday,June9, 2014.

  16. For E. O. Wilson’s praiseof this book,see the frontcoverflap of JaredDiamond1997.

  17. D’Souza2002,45.

  18. JaredDiamond1997,25.

  19. D’Souza2002,45–46.

  20. JaredDiamond1997,18.

  21. Pounds1989,4–5.

  22. Hayek1988,25, 6, 52, 27.

  23. Zuk2007,14.

  24. R. Nesseand G. C. Williams1995,11.

  25. See the backcoverof R. Nesseand G. C. Williams1995.

  26. See backcoverof D. S. Wilson2007.

  27. Spencer,“Progress:Its Lawand Causes,”WestminsterReviewvol. 11, April1857,p. 465, qtd. by R. L.

  28. P. Ormerod2000,tradepaperback,vii.

  29. P. Ormerod2005,223.

  30. M. M. Waldrop1993,tradepaperback,214.

  31. J. Brockman1995b,318, pointsout that Gell-Mannhelpedstartthe SantaFe Institute.

  32. J. Brockman1995b,324.

  33. P. Ball 2004,462, 464.

  34. W. T. Anderson1996,50–57.

  35. W. T. Anderson1996,105, 109.

  36. J. S. Mill 1887 8th ed., 201–02. G. H. Smith1981,142–43 n. 6, broughtthis statementof Mill’s to my
    attention.In G. H. Smith1981,143 n. 6, GeorgeH. Smithprovidesthreeotherquotationsof Mill’s in
    praiseof Spencer.

  37. NikolaTesla,letter,to John“Jack” PierpontMorgan,Jr., November29, 1934, M. Cheney
    1983,paperback,248; and M. J. Seifer1998,435.

  38. Edison1968b,162.

  39. Edison1914,25; and Edison1968b,165–66.

  40. Edison1914,26; and Edison1968b,161.

  41. W. Durant1961,300.

  42. On March20, 1981,RonaldReagansaidin his addressto the ConservativePoliticalActionConfer-
    ence(CPAC),“Thereare so manypeopleand institutionswhocometo mindfor theirrole in the success
    we celebratetonight.Intellectualleaderslike RussellKirk,FriedrichHayek,HenryHazlitt,MiltonFried-
    man,JamesBurnham,Ludwigvon Mises—theyshapedso muchof our thoughts.” For that,see R. Reagan

  43. H. Hazlitt1993b,174.

  44. HenryHazlittinterviewedin Zupaninterviewer1984,40.

  45. R. L. Carneiro1981,153.

  46. R. L. Carneiro1981,154; and Spencer1910a,v.

  47. R. L. Carneiro1981,164–65, 200.

  48. MortonN. Cohen1996,paperback,350.

  49. T. A. Bass 2000 paperback,55, saysDoyneis pronounced“do-an.”Ibid., 75, quotesDoyneFarmer
    describinghimselfas a “ZenBuddhistbusinessman.”Ibid., 130,alsostatesthatthe actorJeff Goldblum

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