296 Chapter 11
wouldbe no accountingfor this finding.Hencethe argumentofThe Bell Curveis builton flawedassump-
tions.See S. Johnson2005.
- S. Olson2002,162–63.
- S. Olson1989,75–77.
- Lumsdenand Wilson1983,171.
- E. Wilson1998,184.
- EdwardO. WilsoncallsWilliamGrahamSumner“the absoluteSocialDarwinist” in E. Wilson1978,
- R. Benedict1959,xii–x, xv–xvii,253.
- R. L. Carneiro1981,176.
- Spencer1910avol.1, 35–36. R. L. Carneiro1981,180,broughtthis statementof Spencer’s to my
attention. - Spencer 1978 vol.1, 136.R. L. Carneiro1981,176,broughtthisstatementof Spencer’s to my
attention. - Spencer1886,337. R. L. Carneiro1981,176, broughtthis statementof Spencer’s to my attention.
- Spencer1910a,615. R. L. Carneiro176, broughtthis statementof Spencer’s to my attention.
- Spencer1897,331. R. L. Carneiro1981,176, broughtthis statementof Spencer’s to my attention.
- M. Ridley1997,155, 264–65.
- E. Wilson1978,224 n. 5.
- Steven Pinker, “Science Is Not Your Enemy,” TheNew Republic, August 6, 2013, http://
http://www.newrepublic.com/node/114127/print,accessedMonday,June9, 2014. - For E. O. Wilson’s praiseof this book,see the frontcoverflap of JaredDiamond1997.
- D’Souza2002,45.
- JaredDiamond1997,25.
- D’Souza2002,45–46.
- JaredDiamond1997,18.
- Pounds1989,4–5.
- Hayek1988,25, 6, 52, 27.
- Zuk2007,14.
- R. Nesseand G. C. Williams1995,11.
- See the backcoverof R. Nesseand G. C. Williams1995.
- See backcoverof D. S. Wilson2007.
- Spencer,“Progress:Its Lawand Causes,”WestminsterReviewvol. 11, April1857,p. 465, qtd. by R. L.
Carneiro1981,157. - P. Ormerod2000,tradepaperback,vii.
- P. Ormerod2005,223.
- M. M. Waldrop1993,tradepaperback,214.
- J. Brockman1995b,318, pointsout that Gell-Mannhelpedstartthe SantaFe Institute.
- J. Brockman1995b,324.
- P. Ball 2004,462, 464.
- W. T. Anderson1996,50–57.
- W. T. Anderson1996,105, 109.
- J. S. Mill 1887 8th ed., 201–02. G. H. Smith1981,142–43 n. 6, broughtthis statementof Mill’s to my
attention.In G. H. Smith1981,143 n. 6, GeorgeH. Smithprovidesthreeotherquotationsof Mill’s in
praiseof Spencer. - NikolaTesla,letter,to John“Jack” PierpontMorgan,Jr., November29, 1934,qtd.by M. Cheney
1983,paperback,248; and M. J. Seifer1998,435. - Edison1968b,162.
- Edison1914,25; and Edison1968b,165–66.
- Edison1914,26; and Edison1968b,161.
- W. Durant1961,300.
- On March20, 1981,RonaldReagansaidin his addressto the ConservativePoliticalActionConfer-
ence(CPAC),“Thereare so manypeopleand institutionswhocometo mindfor theirrole in the success
we celebratetonight.Intellectualleaderslike RussellKirk,FriedrichHayek,HenryHazlitt,MiltonFried-
man,JamesBurnham,Ludwigvon Mises—theyshapedso muchof our thoughts.” For that,see R. Reagan
2004a,96. - H. Hazlitt1993b,174.
- HenryHazlittinterviewedin Zupaninterviewer1984,40.
- R. L. Carneiro1981,153.
- R. L. Carneiro1981,154; and Spencer1910a,v.
- R. L. Carneiro1981,164–65, 200.
- MortonN. Cohen1996,paperback,350.
- T. A. Bass 2000 paperback,55, saysDoyneis pronounced“do-an.”Ibid., 75, quotesDoyneFarmer
describinghimselfas a “ZenBuddhistbusinessman.”Ibid., 130,alsostatesthatthe actorJeff Goldblum