ICICIdirect Money Manager – July 2019

(Grace) #1

After the inspection of the site,
the local authority issues a
le g a l d o c u m e n t i. e.
commencement certificate
that states the project meets
the given criteria and helps in
co m m e n c e m e n t o f
construction of the property.
Without the commencement
certificate the property would
be termed illegal, levy
penalties and could attract an
eviction notice.

I. Non-objection certificates:

A Non-objection certificate is a
legal document stating there is
no objection from the authority
in the construction of the
building. A copy of NOC
should be provided by the
seller to the buyer. These NOCs
should be procured from the
Sewage Board, Pollution
Bo a r d , E n v i r o n m e n t
Department, Traffic and
Coordination Department, etc.

J. The copy of Possession Letter:

The builder has to provide the
possession letter that confirms
the delivery of the property on
the date mentioned in the
letter. It is mandatory and
should be in its original form.

K. Power of Attorney (POA):
POA means giving your rights
to someone else. Here, with a
legal procedure the property
owner gives his/her authority
to another person/ agent to
manage and asses the
property principals. There is a
Special Power of Attorney
(SPA) or a General Power of
Attorney (GPA) to transfer
one's rights over one's
L. Allotment Letter:
In case of loans, a buyer needs
to get an allotment letter from
the seller at the time of buying
the property. The letter
mentions the amount of
money the buyer has already
paid and confirms the loan
amount is reasonable.
M. Statement from bank if loan
If the properties loans are
outstanding, individual should
take a statement from the bank
before purchase the property
to be on a safer side.
Note: Every document has to be
verified by the buyer which
states the property is under the
name of the previous owner or
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