Emergency medicine, 194
Employment law, 290
Endoscopy, 465–467, 469–471, 476–480
cystourethroscopy, 465
intravesical botulinum toxin injection
(Botox), 466–467
TURBT, 466
percutaneous access/litholopaxy,
ureteroscopy, 471
holmium laser enucleation of prostate
(HoLEP), 469–470
photoselective vaporization of the
prostate (PVP), 469
transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) prostate
biopsy, 470–471
TURP, 467–469
EndoTower, 446
Entrustability, 147
Entrustable professional activities (EPA)
model, 130, 147
Entrustment of responsibility, 130
EPA. See Entrustable professional activities
(EPA) model
Epistemic network analysis (ENA), 87
definition, 387
for surgeon educator, 407
Ericsson’s theories, 95
Ethical billing, 421–422
Ethical dilemmas, 378
Expert surgeons, 111, 157
Facilitator, 24
Faculty mentor, 328, 331, 333
Faculty time pressure, 122
Fair process leadership, 354
Fallopian tubes, 462
Fault tree analysis, 205–207
Feedback, 126–127
barriers to, 127
enhanced learning, 125
giving appropriate, 127
FIRST trial, 179, 180, 182, 184, 495
Fitts-Posner three-stage theory, motor skills
acquisition, 95
Five whys analysis, 204, 206
FLS. See Fundamentals of Laparoscopic
Surgery (FLS)
FRS. See Fundamentals of Robotic Surgery
Fundamental Skills of Robotic Surgery
(FSRS), 68
Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery
(FLS), 56
skill module progression, 56
Fundamentals of Robotic Surgery (FRS),
GEARS. See Global evaluative assessment of
robotic skills (GEARS)
Generation X, defined, 190–191
Generation Y, defined, 191–192
Generational differences, resident selection
and, 189
Global evaluative assessment of robotic skills
(GEARS), 83, 96–99
Global operative assessment of laparoscopic
skills (GOALS), 81, 96–99
GOALS. See Global operative assessment of
laparoscopic skills (GOALS)
Goals and objectives
curriculum development, 25
surgical learning, 18
Graduate medical education (GME), 17, 217,
300, 323, 491, 494
Granting autonomy, 130
GreenLight™, 469
Grit, 36, 39, 49
defined, 36
scale, 35, 39
Halo effect, 267
Halsteadian model, 93
of medical education, 54
Hand-assisted laparoscopic surgery
(HALS), 402
Healthcare delivery system, 199
HIT. See Human intelligence task (HIT)
HIV Organ Policy Equity (HOPE) Act, 378
Holmium laser enucleation of prostate
(HoLEP), 469
Homemade lap simulator, 446
Human intelligence task (HIT), 84
Income-based repayment (IBR), 516
Institutional leaders, 265