Cadaver, 441
Cadaveric hands-on, 24
CCC. See Clinical Competency Committee
Center for Research in Education and
Simulation Technologies
(CREST), 60
Clerkship grades, resident selection, 194
Clinical Competency Committee (CCC), 277
Clinical ethics, 380
Clinical leaders, 345
Clinical leadership, 345, 348, 370
Clinical Learning Environment Review
(CLER), 323
Clinical research, 257
Clinical work, in urology, 30
benefits of, 239–240
creation coach profile, 244
definitions and impacts, 239
embedding, within surgical education, 242
find advocates and leaders for, 243–244
integration at all levels, 244–245
modern tale of surgical, 236, 238, 240
modify as need, 245
training and development, 243–244
ambiguity in, 434–436
into surgical training, 421
Cognition science
feedback-enhanced learning, 125–126
interleaving, 125
spacing, 124
test-enhanced learning, 123
Cognitive dissonance, 314
Cognitive interviewing, 47
Cognitive learning, strategies for urology
training, 28
Cognitive psychology, 157
Cognitive task analysis (CTA), 231
Collaborative leadership, in action, 362–363
Collective intelligence, 100, 353
Community of practice, 7
Concurrent validity, 50
Coronary artery bypass grafts (CABG),
342, 343
Council for Affordable Quality Healthcare
(CAQH), 509
Council of Review Committee Residents
(CRCR), 492
Counterfactual thinking, 315
reflection and evaluation model, 315
Cronbach’s alpha, 49
Crowd-based evaluation
future applications of, 112–113
surgical skills education, 110
Crowd-based feedback, 112
and surgical evaluation, 101–110
definitions and evolution, 100–101
C-SATS, 83
Curriculum development, 15, 16
defined, 21
educational strategies, 28–30
evaluation and feedback, 33–34
general needs assessment, 22–23
goals and objectives, 25–27
implementation, 30–32
targeted needs assessment, 23–25
Cystourethroscopy, 465–466
da Vinci Skills Simulator (dVSS), 66, 67
da Vinci surgical robot, 65
da Vinci’s application programming interface
(API), 73
Decision-making, 365
Defensive bolstering, 316
Deliberate practice, 95, 99
Delphi technique, 24
Designing assessment, questions of
assessment, 37–51
Dewey, John, 21
Didactic lectures, 326
Disruptive behavior, 265
Donabedian, Avedis, 201
Doximity, 504
Dreyfus model of skill acquisition, 128
Duckworth Grit scale, 35
Duty hours, 163
resident (see Resident duty hours)
dVSS. See da Vinci Skills Simulator (dVSS)
Educational culture, 31
Educational curriculum
defined, 15
development, 15, 16
Educational goals, 25
Educational objectives, 25, 26
Educational programs and curricula, 31
Educational strategies, curriculum
development, 28
Educational support, internal and external, 32
Effective leaders, 355