43 M. Miller, English Garden Cities: An Introduction (London: English Heritage,
2010), pp. 18–22.
44 Rowley, English Landscape in the Twentieth Century, pp. 203–5.
45 K. Hudson, The Archaeology of the Consumer Society: the Second Industrial
Revolution in Britain (London: Heinemann, 1983).
46 A. Jackson, Semi-Detached London: Suburban Development, Life and
Transport 1900–1939 (London: Allen and Unwin, 1973); I. Bentley, I. Davis
and P. Oliver, Dunroamin: the suburban semi and its enemies (London: Barrie
and Jenkins, 1981); Barrett and J. Phillips, Suburban Style, pp. 125–35.
47 W. Pedley, Labour on the Land (London: King and Staples, 1941),
pp. 91–3.
48 R. H. Best and J. T. Coppock, The Changing Use of Land in Britain (London:
Faber, 1962).
49 Gilbert, Ecology of Urban Habitats, p. 247. R. M. Smith, K. Thompson and
K. J. Gaston, ‘Urban domestic gardens: composition and richness of the
vascular plant flora, and implications for native biodiversity’, Biological
Conservation 129 (2006), 312–22.
50 R. Bisgrove, The Gardens of Gertrude Jekyll (London: Frances Lincoln, 1992).
D. Ottewill, The Edwardian Garden (London: Yale University Press, 1989).
W. Robinson, The English Flower Garden (London, 1883). G. Jekyll, Wood
and Garden (London, 1899).
51 The Hertfordshire Gardens Trust and T. Williamson, The Parks and Gardens
of West Hertfordshire (Letchworth: Hertfordshire Gardens Trust, 2000),
pp. 91–5.
52 R. Mabey, Weeds: the story of outlaw plants (London: Profile Books, 2010),
p. 169. I. D. Rotherham, ‘History and perception in animal and plant
invasions: the case of acclimatization and wild gardeners’, in I. D. Rotherham
and R. A. Lambert (eds), Invasive and Introduced Plants and Animals: human
perceptions, attitudes and approaches to management (London: Earthscan,
2011), pp. 233–48.
53 Ibid., pp. 166–70.
54 Ibid.
55 R. Mabey, Flora Britannica (London: Concise edn, Chatto and Windus, 1998),
pp. 170–1.
56 Barrett and Phillips, Suburban Style, pp. 184–8
57 F. H. Farthing, Saturday in my Garden (London, 1911), p. 21.
58 Ibid., p. 284.
59 A. G. L. Hellyer, Practical Gardening for Amateurs (London: Collingridge,
1935), p. 164.
60 E. Fitch Daglish, The Book of Garden Animals (London, 1928).
61 Harding, Saturday in my Garden, pp. 27–75. C. Baines, How to Make a
Wildlife Garden (London: Frances Lincoln, 1985), pp. 112–32.
62 T. G. Tutsin, ‘Weeds of a Leicester garden’, Watsonia 9 (1973), 263–7.
63 Gilbert, Ecology of Urban Environments, pp. 247–8.