An Environmental History of Wildlife in England 1650-1950

(Elle) #1

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64 E. B. Bangerter and D. H. Kent, ‘Veronica filiformis in the British Isles’,
Proceedings of the Botanical Society of the British Isles 2 (1957), 197–217.
65 Gilbert, Ecology of Urban Environments, pp. 251–2.
66 S. Risbeth, ‘The flora of Cambridge walls’, Journal of Ecology 36 (1948),
136–48. R. M. Payne, ‘The flora of wall in south-eastern Essex’, Watsonia
12 (1978), 41–6.
67 A. A. Allen, ‘The coleopteran of a suburban garden’, Entomologists’ Record
and Journal of Variation 63 (1951), 61–4, 187–90, 256–9; 64 (1952), 61–6,
92–3; 65 (1953), 225–31; 68 (1954), 215–22.
68 R. W. Robbins, ‘Lepidoptera of a London garden fifty years ago’, London
Naturalist (1939), 40–1.
69 Fitch Daglish, Book of Garden Animals, pp. 8–54. Fitter, London’s Natural
History ̧ pp. 134–5.
70 Ibid., p. 136.
71 M. Toms, ‘Are gardens good for birds or birdwatchers’, British Wildlife
19 (2007), 77–83.
72 Daglish, Garden Animals, p. 81.
73 Ibid., p. 195.
74 D. A. Ratcliffe, ‘Post-medieval and recent change in British vegetation: the
culmination of human influence’, New Phytologist 98 (1984), 73–100.
75 J. Owen, Wildlife of a Garden: a thirty year study (Peterborough: Royal
Horticultural Society, 2010).
76 Ibid., p. 16.
77 Fitter, London’s Natural History, p. 188.
78 L. R. Williams and J. McLaughlin, ‘Tracing old hedgerows in suburban areas’,
Local Historian, May 1988, 65–8.
79 Ibid., p. 66.
80 Bushey Museum, Bushey, Hertfordshire: sale catalogue for ‘Bushey Village
estate’, 1912.
81 Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies, Off Acc 717: Bushey Urban District
Council minutes, 23 March 1901.
82 Fitter, London’s Natural History, p. 144.
83 Ibid., p. 146.
84 B. Elliott, Victorian Gardens (London: Batsford, 1986). H. Conway, People’s
Parks: the design and development of Victorian parks in Britain (Cambridge,
85 J. B. L. Warren, ‘The flora of Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens’, Journal of
Botany 9 (1871), 227–38.
86 D. H. Kent, ‘Notes on the flora of Kensington Gardens and Hyde Park’,
Watsonia 1 (1950), 296–300. D. E. Allen, ‘The flora of Hyde Park and
Kensington Gardens, 1958–62’, Proceedings of the Botanical Society of the
British Isles 6 (1965), 1–20.

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