An Environmental History of Wildlife in England 1650-1950

(Elle) #1

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111 J. Andrews, ‘Principles of restoration of gravel pits for wildlife’, British Wildlife
2 (1990), 80–8. Mabey, Unofficial Countryside, pp. 46–57. J. Andrews and
D. Kinsman, Gravel Pit Restoration for Wildlife (Sandy: RSPB, 1990).
112 K. P. Keywood and W. D. Melluish, ‘A report on the bird populations of four
gravel pits in the London area, 1948–51’, London Bird Report 17 (1953),
113 J. G. Kelcey, ‘Industrial development and wildlife conservation’,
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114 P. Shaw, ‘Orchid woods and floating islands – the ecology of fly ash’, British
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115 D. H. Kent, The Historical Flora of Middlesex (London: Ray Society,
116 L. A. Batten, ‘Breeding bird species in relation to increasing urbanisation’,
Bird Study 19 (1972), 157–66.
117 Kent, Historical Flora of Middlesex.
118 Hudson, Birds in London, p. 155.
119 T. A. Coward and C. Oldham, The Birds of Cheshire (Manchester: Sherrat and
Hughes, 1900), p. 4.
chapter 10
1 B. Short, C. Watkins and J. Martin (eds), The Front Line of Freedom: British
farming in the Second World War Agricultural History Review Supplement
Series 4 (2007), 5.
2 C. H. Warren, This Land is Yours (London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1943),
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3 E. Pollard, M. D. Hooper and N. W. Moore, Hedges (London: Collins,
1974), pp. 59–68. G. Barnes and T. Williamson, Hedgerow History: ecology,
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4 H. Upcher, ‘Norfolk farming’, Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists’ Society 16
(1946), 97–105.
5 W. H. Dowdeswell, Hedgerows and Verges (London: Allen and Unwin, 1987),
p. 118. R. Muir and N. Muir, Hedgerows: their history and wildlife (London:
Michael Joseph, 1997), pp. 225–6.
6 W. Baird and J. Tarrant, Hedgerow Destruction in Norfolk 1946-70 (Norwich:
Centre of East Anglian Studies, 1970).
7 M. Shoard, The Theft of the Countryside (London: Temple Smith, 1980).
8 R. A. Robinson and W. J. Sutherland, ‘Post-war changes in arable farming and
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M. Shrubb, Birds, Scythes and Combines: a history of birds and agricultural
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9 P. Anderson and D. Yalden, ‘Increased sheep numbers and the loss of heather
in the peak district, England’, Biological Conservation 20 (1981), 195–213.

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