A (165)

(Wang) #1

Design a settings menu

using one compiled APK

Customise more
of your device, by
using your own
graphics in the
Settings menu


ven with the help of custom launchers and
ROMs, some parts of Android have a habit of
remaining exactly as the manufacturer intended
them. However, with the help of developer tools such
as the Android SDK and Android Debug Bridge (ADB),
it’s possible to customise your Android device.
This tutorial shows you how to change the
background of your rooted Android’s Settings menu.

You can replace the stock background w ith any image
of your choice – whether it’s a photo you snapped
yourself, or a graphic to replace the stock Settings
menu. To make this change, you need to pull an APK
file from your dev ice and onto your computer. This is
where you can decompile it into separate files and
folders, make your changes and then compile it back
into a single APK to push to your device.

Update your Terminal to point to APK on
yourdesktop (cd /Users/username/Desktop/
APK). Now decompile framework-res.apk with./
apktool d framework-res.apk.Openthe
unzipped folder, navigate to res/values and
open styles.xml using a text editing program.

4 Decompile your APK
background_dark</item>, replace it with <item
mybackground</item> and save. Create a PNG
background matching your device’s resolution.

5 Edit styles.xml

On your computer, install the Android SDK
html?hl=i, then visit https://code.google.com/p/
android-apktool/downloads/list and download
apktool1.5.2.tar.bz2 with the helper script for
your particular OS. Then unzip the folders.

1 Download your files
Create an ‘APK’ folder on your desktop.
Move the contents of the two unzipped apktool
folders into this new folder. Attach your Android
device to your computer using the USB cable.
Launch the Terminal on Mac or the Command
Prompt window on Windows.

2 Move your apktool files
Pull the framework-res.apk file from your
device by entering the pull command into the
Terminal, for example ./adb pull /system/
framework/framework-res.apk. Go to the
platform-tools folder and move framework-res.to
the APK folder you created on your desktop.

3 Pull Framework-Res.apk

Rename your image ‘mybackground.png’.
Place this in the res/drawable-nodpi folder.
Recompile your APK by running ./apktool b
framework-res. Back up your device then boot into
recovery and run ./adb push /system/framework/
framework-res.apk. Reboot and you’re done!

6 Compile your APK

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