inferential statistics, (Continued)
language of, 362–365, 362t, 364t
relationships among variables, testing for
contingency coefficients, 364t, 366
Kendall’s Tau, 364t, 369
multiple regression, 364t, 369
Pe a r s o n’s r, 364 t, 368
Phi coefficients, 364t, 369
point biserials, 369
Spearman Rho, 364t, 369
statistical symbols, 362t
when to use, 352–353
influenza positive test, CDC trends, 202, 203f
informants, in qualitative research, 223
information overload, 462
information sources, structure of, 104–107
informed consent
ethical research, 55, 57t, 60t, 61b
evidence collection, ethics of, 278
IRB area of concern, 60t
qualitative research, ethical issue in, 397t
samples, ethics of, 303–304
innovation, defined, 9
innovations, outcomes of, evaluating
ethics, 482
describing, 471–472
evaluating, 480–481
outcomes, choosing
health outcome information websites, 473–474, 474t
mandated reports, 477–478
organizational priorities, 476–477
outcomes and associated indicators, 480
patient population, 474–475
team membership, 476–477
innovator, developing oneself as
describing, 449–453
ethics, 464–465
lifelong learning, 454–456
oneself, developing
development on job, 457–460
team leadership skills, developing, 460–461
professionalism, 461–464, 463f
innovators, characteristics of
communication skills, 452–453, 461, 464
flexibility, 451
sense of inquiry, 450–451
types of, 449
Inside Nursing: A Critical Ethnography of Clinical
Nursing Practice (Street), 241
insights, sharing with others
chapter objectives and key terms, 488
conferences, making most of, 507–508
dissemination, role of nurse in, 489–490
ethics, 509–510
learning, applying, 511
rapid review, 511–512
3 Ps of dissemination
overview, 491–492
papers, 501–503, 502b
posters, 491–499, 493b, 494f, 496t, 497f
presentations, oral, 499–501, 500b
Institute for Healthcare Improvement, 475t
mandated reports, 478
Institute of Research and Service in Nursing Education
at Teachers College, 25
institutional review boards (IRBs), 56
Code of Federal Regulations, 59, 61b
components and areas of concern, 60t
ethics, 59–63
exempt categories of research, 62, 62b
reviews, types of, 61
instrumentation and internal validity, 157
integrative reviews
reviews, types of, 100–101
syntheses, in pyramid of evidence, 310f, 316
interaction of treatment and history, 161
interaction of treatment and selection of subjects, 160
interaction of treatment and setting, 160
interlibrary loans, 109
intermediate outcomes, described, 472
internal consistency, as attribute of reliability,
268, 269t, 270
internal validity
defined, 155
history, 156
instrumentation, 157
maturation, 156–157
mortality, 157
selection bias, 156, 156t
statistical conclusion validity, 158
testing, 157
International Journal of Nursing Research, 26
international level of collaboration, 53–54
advanced search, 107
CINAHL, access to, 28
evidence collection, ethics of, 279
search engines and database, 71
interprofessional collaboration, 460