PCOR. See patient-centered outcomes research
Pe a r s o n’s r, 364 t, 365, 368
peer debriefing
qualitative research, evaluation of, 228, 229
trustworthiness, establishing, 393, 393b, 394
peer review, of evidence, 98–99
percentage distributions, 335, 335t
of ages, 334, 335t
percentage, symbol for, 332t
percentile, defined, 346
percentile ranks, and normal distributions, 349, 349f
performance appraisals and reviews, 459–460
performance-related outcomes, described, 472
period prevalence, defined, 198–199
periodicals, as evidence, 99
persistent observation, defined, 228, 229
person, descriptive characteristics by, 200–201, 200t
personal development files
performance appraisals and reviews, 459–460
professional integrity, maintaining, 464–465
personal narrative, in reports, 390
data collection and management, 232
defined, 230–231, 231t, 232
method, 232
nursing research examples, 233
philosophical underpinnings, 231–232
reports, formats for, 390
phenomenon descriptions, in nonexperimental
designs, 150
Phi coefficients, 364t, 369
physiological measures
defined, 259–260
quantitative research data collection, 256t, 257t
PICOT model, 85–86
adoption of innovation, 404
data collection methods, 254–255
studies, 81
place, descriptive characteristics by, 201–202, 201t
plagiarism, citations, ethics of, 123–124
planning for data collection, 254
point biserials, defined, 369
point prevalence, defined, 198
popular literature, as evidence type, 99
defined, 285, 286
parameters, 332
sample, relationship to, 286f
position of median
defined, 338
formula for, 338
positional operators, 115
positive correlation, in associative relationships, 79f
positive predictive value, 214
defined, 213
positively skewed distribution of data, 342, 343f
posters, 491–499, 493b, 494f, 496t, 497f
abstracts, writing, 492
colors, selecting, 497–498
contents included in, 495, 496t
defined, 491
effective, creating, 494–499, 496t, 497f
fonts for, 493b
graphics for, 498, 499
logical layout for, 495, 496
poster presentations, making, 492–496,
493 b, 494f
PowerPoint slides, 498, 499
posttest, defined, 171
power analysis, defined, 300
PowerPoint slides, 498, 499
practice guidelines
characteristics of, 317–318
syntheses, in pyramid of evidence, 319–320
practice perspective
research, language of, 135–136
theory in practice, 133–135
theory testing, importance, 133–135
theory, language of, 132–133
preceptors, in orientation programs, 457
precision, in searching electronic databases, 111
predictive correlational designs, 183–184
predictive research, defined, 15
predictive validity, 266
preexperimental designs, 179–180
Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews
and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA), 317
preparation phase of Stetler model, 427, 428f
presentations, 500
common mistakes, 501
successful, tips for, 499–501
pretest, defined, 171
prevalence, 198
primary sources, as type of evidence, 98–99
print indexes
evidence, searching for, 111
information organization system, 109