
(WallPaper) #1
Quality Control Guidelines for Biocontrol Agents 281

Predator efficiency/ 25 M. euphorbiae or 50 M. persicae should be consumed within
searching capability 4 days by a second-instar larva; n = 10; an annual test.

Quantity Number of live predators as specified on the package; a weekly test.
Predator quality 65% of second-instar larvae have to develop to third-instar larvae
within 5 days using aphids as prey; to be conducted once a year or
when the rearing system is changed.
Predator efficiency/ 25 M. euphorbiae or 50 M. persicae should be consumed within
searching capability 4 days by a second-instar larva; n = 10; an annual test.

Description of testing methods
Preparation of agar- Use a round Petri dish (13.5 cm diameter and 2 cm height) that can
leaf for testing be closed very tightly; a nylon mesh is incorporated into the lid to
predator quality and facilitate air exchange. Trays are filled with agar solution (1.5%) to a
predation capacity depth of 5 mm; just before the agar solidifies a leaf is placed with its
upper surface on agar; then transfer 30 adult aphids with a toothpick
on to the leaf; close the Petri-dish tray and turn it upside down. All
aphid adults are removed 24 h later and the offspring are counted
(offspring should be 100). Three species of aphids can be used as
prey items: A. gossypii on cucumber, M. euphorbiae on strawberry or
potato, or M. persicae on sweet pepper.

Predator quality Offer individual, freshly emerged larvae at least 50 prey items on a
leaf on agar as described above; n = 30.
Predator efficiency As described for larvae, see below.
Searching capacity As described for larvae, see below.

Predator quality Offer individual, freshly emerged second-instar larvae about 100
aphids on a leaf on agar as described above; n = 30.
Predator efficiency Prepare agar–leaf set-up as described above; introduce second-instar
larva into Petri dish and count number of aphids consumed after 4
Searching capability This test is carried out on a plant (i.e. on sweet pepper in the ‘ten-leaf
stage’ or on potato) put into a transparent plastic cylinder (20 cm
diameter and 50 cm high) with nylon mesh on the top for air
exchange and pressed on to a container filled with vermiculite to pre-
vent escape of larvae. Take a leaf with the offspring of 30 adult
aphids, count the aphids and cut the leaf in equal pieces, then dis-
tribute these pieces all over the plant to get an even distribution. Half
a day later the aphids have moved on to the plant; then transfer a
second Chrysoperlainstar on each plant. Count the remaining aphids
4 days later.

Initial design: M.G. Tommasini and R. Mayer.
Coordinator: M. Mosti (provisional test).

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