
(WallPaper) #1

282 J.C. van Lenteren et al.

Cryptolaemus montrouzieriMulsant (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) Provisional test

Test conditions
Temperature: 25 ± 2°C
RH: 70 ± 5%
Light regime: 16L : 8D

Quality control criteria
Quantity Average number of live predators as specified on the container; n = 3
containers; a weekly or batch-wise test;
Sex ratio 40% females; seasonal; n = 100; for identification of sex, examine
anterior femur: orange for males and black for females.
Longevity Minimum 30 days, reached by at least 80% of the females examined
in the fecundity test; n = 30; a seasonal test.
Fecundity 50 eggs per female per 10 days; n = 30; a seasonal test.

Description of testing methods
Quantity Hold samples at 10°C for at least 1 h prior to testing to reduce activ-
ity of beetles. To accurately count total number of beetles, carefully
remove any packing material, allowing the beetles to drop back into
container. If beetles have been shipped in a large container, it is
advisable to transfer the beetles to a snap-top vial or bottle for ease in
handling. Gently tap a portion of the beetles on to the counting tray
and immediately start counting beetles. Record the count, then brush
the counted beetles into the pill-tray reservoir. Store the counted
beetles in a second container with a snap-on lid. Repeat the process
until all the beetles are counted. While counting the beetles, record
the presence of any live arthropods other than adult Cryptolaemus
beetles. Since the beetles start to warm during the counting process,
the sample container must be repeatedly tapped on a hard surface to
cause the beetles to drop to the bottom of the container to prevent
Fecundity For each batch to be tested, prepare 30 replicates. Each replicate con-
sists of one female beetle in a small ventilated tube or cup containing
a 2 cm piece of potato sprout infested with live citrus mealy-bug egg
masses, nymphs and adults of a sufficient quantity to provide ad libi-
tumdiet and oviposition sites. After 48 h, transfer the female to a
freshly prepared container. Count the eggs present in the old con-
tainer by inspecting the infested sprout, using a dissecting micro-
scope, and record time of first observation of C. montrouzierieggs.
Tease apart mealy-bug colony and egg masses with a blunt probe
and count and record presence of C. montrouzierieggs. It is necessary
to distinguish between the eggs of C. montrouzieriand those of
Planococcus citri. Eggs of C. montrouzieriare larger and pale yellow.
Terminate the test if eggs have not been observed after 7 days of

Designers and coordinators: A. Hale and S. Steinberg (provisional test).

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