Computational Drug Discovery and Design

(backadmin) #1
Scoring Cfg. You can modify the parameters of the genetic
algorithms and still be able to continue a simulation.

  1. Docking is an optimization problem and it is possible to have a
    bad initial population for a simulation (which is randomly
    generated) or it is also possible that the optimization got
    stuck in a local minimum of energy. Sometimes, simply repeat-
    ing the experiment gets you better results.


R.J.N. is part of PROTEO (the Que ́bec network for research on
protein function, structure, and engineering) and GRASP (Groupe
de Recherche Axe ́sur la Structure des Prote ́ines). The authors
would like to thank the users of FlexAID and the NRGsuite for
numerous bug reports and feedbacks, thus contributing to their
development, and Florence Min for critical reading of the
Funding: L.P.M. is the recipient of a Ph.D. fellowship from the
Fonds de Recherche du Que ́bec—Nature et Technologies


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