Computational Drug Discovery and Design

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4 Notes

  1. CUDA platform on GPU workstation—This latest version of
    WATsite relies on OpenMM accelerated MD simulation, but a
    previous version, WATsite2.0, based on Gromacs simulations is
    available in case a GPU workstation is not available. The
    WATsite-compatible OpenMM has to be compiled in order
    to perform MD simulation and generate water interaction
    energies for later analysis. The source code is located in the
    openmm-watsitefolder, and the user can follow the standard
    OpenMM compilation steps. Here, we will briefly list the steps.
    (a) Download CUDA 8.0 and install both the drivers and
    CUDA toolkit. Set the environment variable accordingly
    before compilation. We provide an example below:
    export PATH¼$PATH:/usr/local/cuda-8.0/bin/
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH¼/usr/local/cuda-8.0/lib64:
    export CUDA_HOME¼/usr/local/cuda-8.0/
    export OPENMM_CUDA_COMPILER¼/usr/local/
    (b) Go to the Openmm-watsite directory, make a new direc-
    tory and change into the directory.
    (c) Configure with ccmake:
    ccmake ../
    (d) Configure(“c”).
    (e) Set the variable CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to the loca-
    tion where you want to install OpenMM.
    (f) Set the variable PYTHON_EXECUTABLE to the Python
    interpreter you plan to use OpenMM with.
    (g) Configure (press “c”) again.
    (h) Generate (“g”) the Makefile.
    (i) Start the installation by the following command: (if the
    location of installation is not a system area, sudo is not
    (sudo) make install && (sudo) make PythonInstall
    (j) Verify your installation by the following command:
    python -m simtk.testInstallation
    Before starting the OpenMM simulation instep 4, the user
    needs to make sure the environment variables for CUDA in
    (a) are set correctly. Depending on the number of GPU cards
    available, the user can spread multiple jobs by specifying the
    device index instep 3.

  2. Protonation states —Protonation states for ionizable residues
    in the protein binding site may significantly affect the

Calculation of Water Thermodynamics 399
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