Computational Drug Discovery and Design

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thermodynamics of water molecules. We provide the option for
the user to use the Reduce [19] program to adjust the proton-
ation state for HIS based on the local environment, and ASN
and GLN side chains may be flipped to optimize the hydrogen-
bond network. The user may also use other tools, such as
protein preparation wizard in maestro [24], for the proton-
ation states prediction. The hydrogens in ASP, GLU, HIS, and
LYS will be evaluated to give appropriate residue names com-
patible with amber force field.

  1. Selection of force field and water model—The current version
    allows choosing from three different amber force fields.
    Amber14SB [20] is the recommended choice in the latest
    amber manual. Two other force fields, Amber99SB [25] and
    Amber99SBildn [26], can also be chosen depending on the
    user’s interest. Five water models with associated atomic ions
    have been tested and implemented in the current version of
    WATsite. TIP3P and SPC/E are three-site water models, and
    the SPC/E model adds an average polarization correction to
    the potential energy function [27]. TIP4P and TIP4P-Ew are
    four-site water models which have four interaction points by
    adding one dummy atom near the oxygen along the bisector of
    the HOH angle. The TIP4P-Ew model was reparameterized
    for use with Ewald summation methods [28]. OPC is a new
    four-site and three-charge rigid water model which has quite
    different point charges and charge–charge distances [29].

  2. Timestep and number of steps of simulation—Bond stretching
    is a fast motion which determines the size of the MD timestep.
    With bond length constraints applied on the bonds involving
    hydrogen atoms, a timestep of 2 fs can be used. A time step of
    equal or less than 1 fs is required if constraints are not applied.
    With a 2 fs timestep, at least 2,000,000 steps for the produc-
    tion simulation are required based on previous analysis
    [23]. Hydration sites locations and free energies converged
    over the 4 ns trajectory since all protein heavy atoms and
    potentially present ligand heavy atoms were harmonically
    restrained (spring constants are user-specified).

  3. Clustering method—To identify locations of hydration sites in
    high water density regions, a clustering method is used in
    WATsite analysis. Currently, two clustering algorithms have
    been implemented: quality threshold (QT) [30] and density-
    based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN)
    [31]. QTclustering method is superior in identifying hydration
    sites with a large occupancy value during the simulation,
    whereas DBSCAN clustering method is advantageous in iden-
    tifying more hydration sites with lower occupancy throughout
    the simulation.

400 Ying Yang et al.

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