Computational Drug Discovery and Design

(backadmin) #1

  1. Hydration site prediction with and without the presence of
    bound ligand—The ligand-free (apo) protein structure should
    be used to predict hydration sites for the purpose of computing
    protein desolvation free energy. WATsite also allows for hydra-
    tion sites prediction at the protein and ligand binding interface.
    Partial charge of ligand may significantly influence the outcome
    of desolvation free energy. The user can predict partial charges
    in the mol2 file for the ligand with other tools, such as RESP
    [32] charge by using QM packages. Otherwise, the partial
    charges are computed via AM1-BCC [33] method using
    antechamber [22].

  2. Protein desolvation free energy—It is worth noting that the
    estimated desolvation free energy for a ligand only represents
    the energy of releasing the water molecules from the protein
    binding site into the bulk solvent. It cannot be used for a direct
    comparison of the ligands’ free energies of binding. The
    ligand’s free energy of binding includes other important con-
    tributions such as the direct protein–ligand interaction energy
    or desolvation energy of the ligand. The predicted protein
    desolvation free energy, however, can guide further optimiza-
    tion of a lead compound rationally stabilizing or replacing
    additional water molecules in the binding site.


We thank Andrew McNutt for testing the program and critical
reading. The authors gratefully acknowledge a grant from the
NIH (GM092855) for partially supporting this research.


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Calculation of Water Thermodynamics 401
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