Computational Drug Discovery and Design

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  1. The US calculation consists to simulate several windows along
    the chosen restrained variableζ, in order to correctly sample
    and explore the conformational space of every system state
    during the unbinding event. To make sure that the potential
    of mean force (PMF) obtained is correct, the sampling of each
    window must overlap their neighboring sampling distribution.
    This is very important when the system is sampling energy
    states, such as transition states and/or energetic barriers. This
    overlap allows the validation of sampling exhaustiveness along
    the path, and then continuity of the free energy profile.

  2. Another parameter of importance in this protocol is the step
    size between windows. As described earlier, the sampling along
    the restrained variableζis made with the definition of several
    windows, centered on specific values of the bias. In order to
    have a good overlap between windows, the step size, and
    consequently the number of windows, must be well defined
    (seeNote 17). In our case, the first value of the constrained
    distance, calculated from the cMD, is about 6.2 A ̊, but a smaller
    initial distance (beginning the calculation at a distance of
    ζth¼5.2 A ̊) is chosen in order to correctly sample the global
    minimum of the PMF. We will consider that the inhibitor is
    totally separated from the protein once it is surrounded by two
    water shells, corresponding in this case to a constrained dis-
    tance of 36.2 A ̊, and the step between each window is set to
    0.5 A ̊, representing a total number of 62 windows.

  3. The last parameter to consider is the simulation time in each
    window. The simulation time must be long enough to equili-
    brate the system around each new fixed valueζthfrom the
    currentζ. An equilibration step needs to be performed at the
    beginning of each window, to allow the system and thusζto
    sample aroundζth. In our example, for each window, 200 ps of
    equilibration are considered, followed by 2 ns of production.
    The total simulation time for the 62 windows is 136.5 ns.

3.5.2 Results for the
Unbinding Process of
Triazolopyridine Ligand

  1. Calculations were performed on a Quadro K5000 GPU unit
    from a standard workstation, with AMBER14 program com-
    piled with CUDA v6.0. Performance is estimated to 20 ns/day,
    meaning that the whole calculation take about 6.5 days. After
    the end of the calculation, cpptraj analysis module of Amber-
    Tools has been used to center, align, and analyze the trajectory.
    RMSD analysis, combined with distance measurement and
    solvation estimation, could thus be performed to check the
    stability of the protein kinase domain and estimate the progress
    of the unbinding event. Then, the trajectory could be checked
    with the VMD visualization software in order to verify if the
    process is complete, meaning that the ligand is positioned in
    the solvent, with no interactions left with the protein kinase.

Enhanced Molecular Dynamics 419
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