Computational Drug Discovery and Design

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  1. With the AMBER suite, Umbrella Sampling calculation gen-
    erates a dump file, in which all the values of the restrained
    variableζalong the simulation of the unbinding process are
    stored. A preprocess step is needed to split the large file into
    multiple files, one for each window. These files can be viewed
    and analyzed with, for example, xmgrace (http://plasma-gate., by converting each file into a histo-
    gram plot. This analysis is essential to verify the shape of the
    distribution (each window must have a Gaussian-type distribu-
    tion, according to Boltzmann law) and an overlap of each
    window with their neighborhoods all along the unbinding
    process. In our case, one can see on Fig.5 that the overlap
    between all windows during the simulation is reasonable. All
    distributions of each window have a Gaussian-like shape mean-
    ing that the system has reached an equilibrium point and they
    overlap with their neighborhoods. This protocol is important
    for the relevance of the potential of mean force (PMF), created
    in the next step.
    From these files, the WHAM (Weighted Histogram Analy-
    sis Method) algorithm is used to obtain the potential of mean
    force (PMF) associated to the evolution of the bias. Informa-
    tion, description of the methodology, and software sources are
    available at (
    wham). Briefly, the WHAM protocol allows for the conversion
    of sampling distribution ofζinto free energy, by comparison of
    the distribution center to the expected valueζthfor a single
    window. This conversion is made for each window in order to
    build the PMF profile. If the system is equilibrated enough in
    each window, the PMF profile could be associated to the free


3 3

2 2

1 1

0 0
ς(Å) ς(Å)

10 20 30 40 5.5 6 6.5 7

Fig. 5Left: Sampling distribution, for all windows, of the restrained variableζalong the whole simulation of
the unbinding process. One distribution is associated to one window. Right: Focus on the first four distribution
of the simulation. The overlap between windows is quite satisfying, and the distribution shape is the one
expected in all cases

420 Sonia Ziada et al.

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